detox tea for weight loss

Looking for the best diet tea brands and weight loss tea you can trust?

Think of your body as a tank. We fill up this tank daily with toxic elements and chemicals. If we do not eliminate these toxins from time to time, we might feel sluggish, tired and heavy.

70% of our body’s immune system is in our digestive tract and we invariably fill it up with toxins not just from food and beverages but also from cosmetics, household cleaners, and unhealthy lifestyle habits and so on. But can weight loss tea help?

We Are Compromising Our Immune Systems. Can Herbal Slimming Tea Help?

If you are experiencing aches, pains and/or are feeling the effects of premature aging, then it is evident that you have compromised your immune system. According to a research published by the Royal Society of Medicine, 85% of illnesses begin in the intestine.

Our diets are not as healthy as they are meant to be; we overload our system with sugar, alcohol and refined carbohydrates that do absolutely no good for our bodies and minds. As if that weren’t enough, we even get toxins through toothpastes, shampoos, cleansers, body lotions and deodorants.

Even the most popular and expensive cosmetic brands are filled with harmful ingredients which are absorbed by our skin, the largest organ of our body. Did you know that a quality slimming tea can help you to detox as well as lose weight?

Why Use Detox Tea (Slim Tea Detox)?

Over time, this toxic overload reaches our blood stream where it manifests as chronic illnesses and everyday complaints such as fatigue, IBS, bloating, blotchy skin, migraines, cholesterol etc. Therefore, it follows that we must detox from time to time.

I personally have benefited greatly by drinking weight loss tea. Also known as herbal slimming teas, not only are these easily available, they are super delicious and you really do not have to spend hours making them. Detox teas or teetox as they are popularly known, gently cleanse the system, kick-start slow or sluggish digestion and also help in burning fat.

Before I review 10 of the best detox teas, let me highlight the numerous health benefits of detox teas.

What Does Detox Tea Do?

1. Cleanses the liver

Our liver is the most vital organ when it comes to toxin removal. Cleaning the liver from time to time encourages it to purge fat and eliminate toxins from all areas of the body. Slim tea detox is great because detox tea works gently yet effectively on the liver and encourages it to work well and detoxify your body.

With regular intake of the best detox tea for weight loss, you end up slimmer. Naturally, you must combine detox teas with a healthy diet and exercise.

2. Improves energy levels

As the toxins get eliminated from your liver, kidneys, lymph nodes and skin, you start feeling more energetic. This is due to the enhanced circulation which has so far been impacted due to the toxic overload. As the lymph nodes start draining away toxins, your vitality levels improve and you feel rejuvenated.

3. Enhances mental clarity

All diseases begin in the gut and slowly travel to the brain. As you cleanse your gut with regular weight loss tea cleanse, you start noticing the ‘fog’ lift and you feel more alert. You are able to stay in the moment and concentrate on the task at hand. You literally feel ready to take on the world!

4. Strengthens immunity

When your body is cleared of toxic wastes, you are better able to absorb nutrients. Thus, with detox teas, you get a boost of vitamin C and other antioxidants which play a huge role in disease prevention.

5. Anti-aging benefits

I have personally experienced many wonderful anti-aging benefits with cleansing tea detox. The skin starts looking healthier as it gets all the nutrition it needs at the collagen level. All of the vitamins and minerals repair and restore the skin’s healthy glow. My hair is also looking shinier. Since the antioxidants fight free radical damage, you are unknowingly fighting many harmful age-related diseases as well.

All That Is Fine: Do Detox Teas Really Work?

Detox teas really work but there are a couple of things you should know about them. Your everyday detox tea for weight loss should fulfill certain criteria.

You must source them from the right vendors. I personally like ones that are natural, organic, gluten free and cruelty free. Natural and organic weight loss teas are devoid of artificial colours, flavours and sweeteners. They are free from trans fats.

When used as directed and supplemented with a healthy diet devoid of red meat, sugar and greasy or deep fried foods, you can get all of the above health benefits of diet teas. Organic and natural detox teas support liver function and glutathione production. They also support gastrointestinal health and eliminate toxic overload rapidly from your body.

Many celebrities including Christina Milan, Hilary Duff and Vanessa Hudens drink and promote the best detox tea brands for a flat tummy and gorgeous skin and hair. Naturally, all this has created a buzz around various slimming tea brands but you are going to be in for a huge disappointment if you think that you will look like them just by drinking detox teas. Naturally, you must workout; stay hydrated and eat fewer carbs alongside drinking these healthy teas to actually see results.

Remember: weight loss tea should be a small yet important part of your integrated weight management program. What this means is that you may include it in your daily diet but herbal slimming tea should never be viewed as the sole method of weight loss.

To answer your question: what is the best detox tea to lose weight? The answer is: The one that you like and works for you! So try two or three different brands to find your best tea detox product.

All of the good brands of teetox cleanse mentioned below will help you jump start sluggish metabolism but they, per se won’t help you lose weight. I hope that sets your expectations right.

10 of the Best Detox Tea Brands - What Is a Good Slimming Detox Tea? An Honest Review of the Best Tea for Weight Loss

Does detox tea work? I believe it does, and I have seen the wonderful effects myself especially when I am feeling constipated or bloated. I have tried each and every one of the detox teas mentioned below.

So this is a completely honest review of the be best tea for weight loss.

As mentioned before, I also like my weight loss tea to be organic and natural with zero chemicals. Almost all of the diet teas mentioned below belong in these categories. Most detox teas in the list below are caffeine-free. Many have herbal ingredients like dndelions, milk thistle etc alongside other liver and kidney supporting botanicals.

The following are all healthy tea brands, detox teas that work,  but some are particularly good and beneficial. So without further delay, presenting top 10 detox teas for weight loss.

1. Fit Tea 28 Day Detox Herbal Weight Loss Tea

What it contains: The main ingredients of FIT Tea are Garcinia cambogia, green tea, oolong WU YI, rooiboos, ginger, stevia, matcha tea, lemon juice and pomegranate. 

Claims To: Prevent constipation, reduce bloating, promote weight loss and aid in weight management and detox. See more details on Amazon about this slimming tea.

Taste: It is a strong weight loss tea so if you do not like strong teas, chances are you won’t like it. I found the taste to be a mix of Jasmine and chai tea, so it is a mix of regular tea with some spices.

Cons: The green tea, matcha tea and oolong teas add quite a bit of caffeine to this detox tea. So you may get a jittery effect. I found that Fit Tea is not a real detox tea but more of a diuretic that helps you overcome water retention and bloating.

Pros: People (genuine reviewers) have lost nearly 6 lbs in just 7 days of doing this cleanse! I loved the fact that it does not contain senna, so there is no laxative effect. I too lost weight but I won’t attribute that to this product alone. Overall – it is a great cleansing tea if you like stronger tea with caffeine, and you get a whole month supply (28 bags). Definitely one of the best teas for weight loss I tried.

best choice

What it contains: Delicious detoxifying and completely natural and organic ingredients like Sencha tea (made from green tea leaves that are cultivated in direct sunlight), oolong and organic rooiboos leaf.

It also contains acai and goji berries which are packed with antioxidants.

Organic pomegranate, hibiscus flower and jasmine leaf add a delicious taste to the blend. You also have Gaurani seeds, stevia, honey and lemon juice for added flavours.

Taste: Delicious Love this weight loss tea!

Claims to: Boost energy, get rid of toxis, promote metabolism and improve overall health.

Ingredients like ginger and guarana kick start the sluggish metabolism to enable your body to burn fat rapidly. Bae Tea is the best slimming tea for weight loss.

Pros: Bae Tea is one of best detox tea brands that I buy and enjoy frequently. I love its taste and the fact that it does not have any uncomfortable laxative action. It is also a natural appetite suppressant - I just tend to eat less when I drink a cup of this detox tea.

Also, there is no bloating and I feel so much lighter when I drink it. I recommend this cleanse tea to everyone looking for detoxification and weight loss effectsSee it on Amazon here.

Cons: None that I experienced. I love BaeTea and will recommend it to everyone looking for a good detox tea brand or a herbal slimming tea. Almost everyone who has tried this tea has give it a 5-star rating, so I'm sure you will love it too. BaeTea is definitely the best tea for weight loss.

3. Yogi DeTox Tea Review

What it contains: The main ingredients are burdock, dandelion greens and juniper berry extracts. Indian sarsaparilla, ginger, cinnamon, cardamom, and pepper all add to the spicy flavour. The best part: all the ingredients are organic.

The tea is made using Ayurvedic principles (ancient Indian medical science) and it is completely caffeine free.

Claims to: Supports blood circulation and cleanses liver and kidneys.

Taste: Spicy and delicious! I especially recommend the Yogi Caramel Apple Spice Flavour Slim Life Tea which uses 91% organic ingredients. This version is not caffeine free but I love it because I feel tremendously energetic after drinking one cup.

This variety is especially formulated for people having an active lifestyle. You can find out more about the regular caffeine-free version of Yogi DeTox Tea here.

Pros: Apart from cleanse and detox, the Yogi tea may help to prevent menstrual cramps and PMS symptoms. It is also known to relieve irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). 

Cons: Is Yogi detox tea great for weight loss? This is, to be honest, not a detox tea. It is a great tasting tea but it won’t help you much in weight management. This is a good tea brand which honestly does not claim itself to be the ‘best detox tea brand’.

You can use it for its liver and kidney cleansing which, though mild, can be effective. The ingredients used in the tea are gentle and fit for sensitive stomachs.

4. Total Tea Gentle Detox Tea - Best Laxative Tea for Weight Loss

best choice

What it contains: This doctor recommended and mommy approved gentle weight loss tea contains all natural and completely organic ingredients like echinacea, cinnamon, chamomile, hibiscus, papaya ginger, peppermint and rosehips.

It is caffeine free. Total Tea Gentle detox contains senna which is a laxative.

Claims to: This is your daily detox tea which claims to reduce inflammation, promote whole body wellness, and aid in weight loss.

great idea

Pros: I like this tea which is one of the best selling detox tea brand on Amazon. I have experienced its laxative action firsthand, so be warned that you will be visiting the toilet quite a lot. I recommend this tea for those special days when you are after laxative tea.

At the same time, you won’t experience any cramps as it is completely safe for sensitive stomachs. What is really special about this wonderful tea cleanse, is its combination of ingredients that all work synergistically to balance digestion and boost the immune system, all while calming anxiety.

Cons: There are none. I love this tea and recommend it to everyone looking for the best natural detox tea brand to improve regularity. 

What it contains: Sencha tea, goji berries, lemongrass, sage, thyme, rose flower, dandelion, persimmon, oolong tea.

Claims to: Decrease appetite, increase energy, cleanse and detoxify, aid in reducing belly fat, promote overall weight loss, boosts metabolism.

Taste: PureTea 14 Day Detox has a delicious earthy taste with a hint of mint, cinnamon and lemon. Soothes the throat; I loved drinking it on cold winter days.

Pros: Many people have had excellent results with PureTea 14 Day detox as far as weight loss is concerned; some losing as much as 11 pounds in just 2 weeks! 

Personally, I did not experience these remarkable results.

Cons: Some people got sick after drinking it: experienced vomiting and nausea. I found this tea to be like any green tea, so I guess results vary from person to person.

6. Traditional Medicinals EveryDay Detox Tea - Best Tea for Weight Loss

best choice

What it contains: This is a completely organic and caffeine free herbal tea that contains certified organic non GMO burdock, nettle, schisandra berry, cleaver’s herb, dandelion root, and lemon myrtle leaf.

Claims to: Promotes healthy skin liver and kidney function. Stimulates natural detoxification of the body and encourages the liver to break down fats. Beautifies the skin.

Pros: Traditional Medicinals Everyday Detox tea has a delicious taste reminiscent of liquorice and star anise. Rated 4.5 stars on Amazon.

I love the fact that its ingredients are completely organic and also that the composition is based on Traditional Chinese Medicine. Schisandra berry in this delicious weight loss detox tea promotes longevity while dandelion and chicory roots provide a powerful detox action.

This tea will not only help you lose weight and detox but it’s also an anti-aging tea. It has very gentle laxative effect and contains hardly any caffeine. You can drink it every day and enjoy the long term benefits. It is reasonably priced and I wish I could give it more than 5 stars! This tea is absolutely the best teatox brand.

Cons: There are none. It is my favourite tea and will be yours too - Give it a try!

7. Yogi Green Tea Blueberry Slim Life Herbal Supplement Herbal Slimming Tea

What it contains: Organic green tea and Garcinia cambogia fruit extract with ginseng extracts. Also contains proprietary blend of bilberry, hibiscus, stevia and other unique fruits and leaves. 

Check it out here.

Claims to: Help in weight loss and general detox. It energizes and helps suppress appetite. It's promoted as herbal slimming tea.

Taste: Light, fragrant and sweet, has blueberry, citrus and licorice flavour. Hints of organic hibiscus add slight brightness and fruity flavour. No sugar is needed. I love the messages that are on the tea bags.

Pros: This weight loss tea has a good variety of herbal ingredients, contains little caffeine and has no laxative effect. Great every day tea. It seems to suppress appetite.

Cons: Absolutely none. This tea is rated 4.5 stars by hundreds of users. Overall I highly recommend this tea. It has a great fruity, berry flavour. It's aromatic, refreshing, energizing and just plain good.

great idea

I like and recommend Yogi Green Tea Blueberry Slim Life Herbal Supplement Slimming Tea and Traditional Medicinals EveryDay Detox Tea as great choices for every day detox slimming teas.

8. Traditional Medicinals Organic Smooth Move Tea  - Laxative Tea for Weight Loss and Constipation

What it contains: Licorice, fennel, ginger root, sweet orange peel, coriander cinnamon. Also has senna.

Claims to: Relieve occasional constipation gently. "Confident and empowering" and relief to be around is their tagline. It' a great laxative tea.

Taste: Sweet and slightly bitter with spicy undertones. â€‹Check it out here.

Pros:  I love love love this tea and helps with my constipation from time to time. This is a wonderful laxative tea for weight loss to take at bedtime - not only will you sleep better -  you will also have a gentle "movement" the next morning without any cramps or bloating.

Use this tea with caution because it really works so you do not want to overdo things. It's the strongest laxative tea I've ever tried.

Cons: a couple of users experienced nausea and severe cramps.

9. HEY GIRL Cleanse Detox Tea

What it contains: milk thistle, senna, grapefruit peel, orange peel, burdock, dandelion, sarsaparilla, nettle, black walnut, lemongrass, rosehips. It also contains alfalfa leaves, ginger root and fennel seed.

Claims to: Reduce constipation, kick start sluggish metabolism and help you reach your weight loss goals quickly.

Pros: The senna works so the tea does give you a laxative effect and reduces bloating quickly. If you are looking for a good teatox brand, then give Hey Girl a try.

Cons: The flavour of the tea works against it. So, while I loved the effects, I hated the taste so this is not a brand I will buy over and over. Apart from Senna, it also contains durian fruit which made this tea taste not very nice.

Also, many first time users have experience severe cramps and bloating with Hey Girl Cleanse.

10. Organic Detox Tea - 14 Day Weight Loss Cleanse

What it contains: 100% organic green tea. Additionally, it contains organic cacao, pomegranate, orange peel, ginger and cinnamon.

Claims to: Flush out toxins, improve hydration, boosts circulation, detoxify liver and skin and elevates mood. The company clearly states to incorporate this tea along with diet and exercise for weight loss.

Taste: Tasty and herbal.

Pros- It is one of the top selling detox teas on Amazon. The wonderful thing about it is its affordable price. You can learn more about it here.

Cons: A couple of users did not experience any detox or laxative action and continued to feel bloated despite taking this tea.

Best Infuser for your Weight Loss Tea

Have you got a tea infuser at home? I am now going to recommend my favourite infuser brand which will make your teetox cleanse experience even better.

I like this silicone infuser from MaxMall.

MaxMall 4 infuser set comes in four attractive colours and are all made with silicone and FDA approved stainless steel.

There is no BPA in these infusers which are extremely easy to use and is suitable for most shapes and sizes of tea leaves. You can use the 4 different infusers for your office, home, travel etc.

The best way to detoxify and stay in shape is to eat healthy organic foods, reduce the use of chemical cleaners and of course, exercise and stay active. However, despite these things, certain amount of toxic overload is still inevitable. Diet teas can help remove these toxins.

So ​what does detox tea do? It simply helps you feel better and stay healthy. 

The aforementioned, best detox tea brands contain gentle herbal ingredients that can jumpstart your sluggish metabolism and also help you get started on your path to wellness. The best part is that these different diet tea brands are delicious and also you won’t feel guilty while drinking them - you know you are doing your body a world of good with these 0 calorie beverages. Better still is the fact that they reduce unhealthy sugar cravings and binge eating.

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As a final word of caution: Select only the best brands of organic and natural detox teas. Many teas contain chemicals, heavy metals and pesticides which will negate your detox efforts. I would also like to take the opportunity to suggest that you keep changing and/or rotating your brands of detox teas as this will make your cleanse even more powerful.

This is due to the simple reason that different detox teas have different ingredients. Finally: do consult a doctor if you are pregnant or nursing before starting your teetox. Good luck with your weight loss tea. What is your favourite teatox brand?

About the Author

Barbara is the founder and owner of She is a former research scientist with a serious passion for health. She enjoys writing about nutrition, wellness and lifestyle and empowering people to take control of their health.

  • Excellent and very informative article. I’ve been using twinings green tea and as of recently yogi. Have you heard about red tea – does it work? I’ve been thinking of trying it.

    Anyway, keep up the good work.

    • Hi Maria
      Yes, I tried red tea and it’s OK but it’s much overhyped on the Internet.
      It does not have any miraculous benefits and many claims I’ve seen are not supported by scientific literature.

  • tania Cerin says:

    Great article! Personally I use Skinny Time Tea which is not on your list but it should be. I have been really happy with this tea and have gotten great weight loss results from it. Admin, I am interested to see if you have ever tried it?

  • Fabulous article with detailed information about various brands of detox teas. I bought Baetea and Yogi teas on your recommendation and they are exactly how you described them.
    Thank you.

  • Great article!It is very informative.

    After having four kids my belly remained big as if I am still pregnant.I tried detoxing with green tea it is working but does not come cheap.

    I recently discovered the detox tea that I can make from my own kitchen.

    It easy to make you just boil water add ingredients such as rooibos tea, ginger. Simmer for 30 minutes and drink.

  • Wow, Theses all Slimming Tea’s are Awesome. Fit Tea is My first Choice and Now a days i buy Hot skinny Tea. Can You Please Tell Me Something About Hot Skinny Tea.

  • Hi Barbara, Nice Article, Very informative. If you were to pick one of the tea brands you have reviewed for a test run, which would it be.

    • Hi Sachi
      I personally love Baetea 14/28 Day Teatox, Total Tea Gentle Detox Tea and Traditional Medicinals EveryDay Detox Tea.
      I always have them at home and drink them regularly. I am a detox tea lover and they are an integral part of my overall wellness program.

  • Awesome Article, I love your reviews THNX For Sharing That Awesome stuff With Us.

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