Infused water is a fast growing health trend and many people are looking for great fat burning detox drinksto incorporate in their diet. Having a glass of fruit infused water for weight loss became very popular among those who want to get slim fast.

Majority of the health conscious people, or the ones wanting to lose weight or clear up their skin, know about the benefits of regular detoxification. They also know about the health benefits of drinking large quantities of water and, in particular, why doing so is an essential as part of detoxification.

However, it tends to get boring just drinking plain water all the time. For some people, even getting in stipulated daily 8-10 glasses of water becomes a chore, considering its plain taste.

Health conscious people also know that in order to avoid sweets, one must stay away from juices in tetra packs as well as aerated and carbonated drinks.

There is a solution to this problem in the form of detox water. Detox water, also called fruit infused water, is a delicious, low calorie alternative to soda and sugary beverages. In this article, we will show you how to make detox water and cover 55 delicious fruit infused detox water recipes along with their health benefits.

What Is Infused Water Good For?

Just like we need to clean the body on the outside, we also need to clean it on the inside from time to time. Much like how toxins, pollutants, chemicals etc cling to the skin; toxins and preservatives in food and water can "cling" to our internal organs making us feel sluggish.

Free radicals are dangerous by-products produced by consuming food that has been prepared using methods like frying, barbecuing etc. These rogue molecules not only age us prematurely, in some cases, they can also cause cancerous tumours.

The human body already has certain systems and processes in place which help get rid of all the toxins. The liver is the main detoxification organ – it helps us get rid of harmful toxins that have accumulated over the years.

Similarly, the kidneys, lungs and intestines all work harmoniously to remove toxins and waste. Unfortunately, our modern diets keep on piling those very toxins, preservatives and chemicals which our body has so laboriously tried to eliminate. Even the air we breathe puts heavy metals into our lungs.

With age, the organs also slow down and become less efficient as a result of which they are unable to remove the toxic waste and free radicals. Therefore, it makes sense that we provide our body with some external help and detoxify regularly.

This help is available to us in the form of infused water and detox diet for weight loss. Not only do these methods help us lose weight fast, they also provide us with following benefits:

  • Clear skin - detoxification from time to time is highly beneficial for acne sufferers.
  • Fast weight loss - As toxins are eliminated, the body reduce water retention to provide with water weight loss.
  • Detox helps overcome unhealthy cravings.
  • It can give relief from chronic headaches, joint pain, stomach ache etc.

In particular, here is what detox water is good for:

  •  You get very few calories and carbohydrates. The best infused water recipes are extremely beneficial for even those people who may be following a low carb diet including paleo diet, ketogenic diet, etc.
  • You consume very little sugar through detox water and detox tea recipes. Some of the recipes are also completely devoid of sugar.
  • Infused water recipes discussed below also promote healthy living as they satisfy sugar cravings,
  • You can be as flexible as you wish when making the best detox water recipes; you can use any herb, edible flowers, fruits and vegetables to make detox tea. You could also go in for different seasonal fruits that you love.
  • With these best detox water recipes you get great amounts of fibre, vitamin C, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus and calcium.
  • Infused water helps improve metabolism to help you with fast weight loss.
  • It can also enhance your mood, disposition and overall physical and mental well being.
  • With proper workout you sweat extensively so consuming infused water and detox tea can help rehydrate you. This is especially beneficial for people who are physically active and looking to lose weight fast in a healthy manner.
  • Detox tea can also help you feel fresh. Drink it in the afternoon instead of caffeinated beverages to prevent afternoon/post-lunch drowsiness. Fruit infused water recipes can rejuvenate you.
  • The best detox tea and diet water recipe can help your body release fat cells as well as toxic elements and free radicals from the body.
  • Recipes like lemon water detox help reduce muscle tiredness when you are working out. They can also help in faster recovery of muscles to reduce wear and tear.
  • The sassy water detox drink can aids in digestion.

Benefits of Fruit Infused Detox Water

Following benefits of fruit infused detox water can be seen when follow the detoxification plan regularly:

  1. You’ll lose weight - You start to overcome sugary cravings. Once you eliminate sugar from your diet and start focusing on cleansing internally with the detox water recipes, you will feel healthier and more energetic. This will motivate you to work out regularly instead of making excuses.
  2. You’ll look better - Over time, the toxins which accumulate make us feel bloated. The skin also starts getting dry and blemishes and wrinkles appear. One of the benefits of sipping on fruit infused detox water is that your skin starts to retain moisture better and looks plump and moisturised.

    It also becomes softer to touch. Under-eye bags and dark circles reduce. The nails, lips, teeth will also start looking healthier.
  3. You sleep bette- When you replace caffeinated and sugary drinks with detox drinks, you will sleep better. When you are well rested, your productivity is enhanced and your overall health improves.
  4. You will be in better mood and have more energy - Infused water will give you all of the above health benefits. With these, you start receiving compliments which help you feel better and more confident. This reduces negative thoughts and feelings. Detox tea also regulates blood sugar levels and, in turn, your hormones. The feel good hormones or endorphins like oxytocins make you feel happier.

    All sugary cravings reduce - and this is one of the main benefits of fruit infused water. This helps balance appetite-related mood swings so you are always in a positive mood.
  5. You will have lesser chronic issues, allergic reactions and overall health improvement - Many times, allergies and chronic health issues are a result of toxic overload. By consuming infused water  regularly, you will stimulate your immune system to work better.

    Fresh fruit infused waters are proven to provide many protective benefits. Primary among these are that people experience fewer headaches, stomach issues and lesser acne flare-ups.

55 Infused Water Recipes for Weight Loss

1. Cucumber Mint Lemon Detox Water Recipe For Clear Skin



  • Filtered water
  • Cucumber
  • Sprigs of mint leaves
  • Lemons or limes
  • Ice cubes (optional)


Slice up cucumber in circular slices. You need not peel the cucumber-rather use them as is. Cut wedges of lemon or lime and place them along with the cucumber in a large jar or glass bottle. Now add the mint leaves.

Pour in the filtered water and fill it up to the brim of the jar. Leave the mixture overnight. This period of time is needed to allow all the flavours to infuse in the water. (Note that all the following detox water recipes for weight loss will also require you to let the mixtures sit overnight for all the nutritional benefits.)

Drink the cucumber mint lemon fat burning infused water for weight loss every day. You may add crushed ice cubes before you do. For detailed recipes and ingredients, click here. This homemade detox tea recipe curbs appetite, soothes acne inflamed skin and also gives you antioxidant benefits.

Lemons are alkaline in nature and also powerful antioxidants that can reduce inflammation for clear skin. They are rich in vitamin C, potassium and magnesium and along with the compounds in Cucumber, perform a complete cleanse.

2. Cucumber Basil Water Detox Recipe



  • Cucumbers
  • Basil leaves
  • Filtered water


Chop cucumber into slices and mix them up with some basil leaves pouring fresh water from top in a jar. Allow the mixture to rest overnight. This simple cucumber basil detox water recipe is an ideal remedy for weight management, bloating, and improved digestion.

Basil enhances the flavour of this sweet detox recipe and also adds antioxidants. Sip regularly to slow down aging and even prevent cancer. Get the complete cucumber basil water detox recipe here.

Strawberry Infused Water Recipes

3. Strawberry Lemon Infused Water Recipe



  • Strawberries
  • Lemon or lime
  • Some sprigs of mint
  • Cucumber slices
  • Filtered water


Slice or chop strawberries in cubes or halves and cucumber into slices. Mix them up with chopped mint leaves and put it in a glass jar. Slice lemons and add them in the jar. Pour filtered water from top and allow the mixture to sit overnight.

Sip on this healthy strawberry lemon detox water which is very good for cardiovascular health and clear skin. The vitamin C enriched detox water recipe also supports fat burning for fast weight loss. Get the detailed recipe here.

4. Strawberry Kiwi Infused Water - Fat Burning Detox Water



  • Strawberries chopped fine
  • Kiwis sliced
  • Filtered water


Mix all ingredients in a jar and pour water from top. Allow to sit overnight. This fat flush cleanse drink is beautifully infused with the flavours of strawberry and kiwi both of which are packed with nutrients that support cardiovascular health and also boost the immune system.

Drink it for fat burning and clear skin. The fruit flavoured infused water is great for hydration and can also boost metabolism for fat burning. Get detailed recipe here.

5. Strawberry Lemon Cinnamon Water Weight loss recipe



  • Strawberry
  • Lemon or lime
  • Powdered cinnamon
  • Filtered  water


Chop strawberries and slice lemons and lime. Add them to a jar with the water and cinnamon and steep overnight. This fat flush drink is one of the best detox water packed with health benefits. Get the complete recipe here. Cinnamon has hundreds of health benefits including weight loss and its antimicrobial properties can also help fight acne and skin inflammation. So drink this strawberry infused water for a clear skin.

6. Sassy Water

The sassy water benefits are very well known and Prevention Magazine has even called Sassy water as the ‘flat belly staple’. Sassy water has many variations for enhanced flavour. Here is the basic sassy water recipe:


  • Ginger
  • Spearmint leaves
  • Cucumber
  • Lemon or lime
  • Filtered water


Mix all ingredients and allow the flavours to infuse overnight. Sassy water benefits include: prevention of water retention, reduced under eye bags and dark circles, boosted metabolism, increased hydration, reduced constipation and indigestion etc.

7. Watermelon Detox Drink with Mint



  • Watermelon
  • Mint leaves
  • Fresh water


Chop and mix the first two ingredients and mix with fresh water. Steep this overnight for enhanced flavour. Get the detailed recipe of the watermelon detox drink here. Watermelon contains amino acid Citrulline which removes toxic elements that cling to liver and other organs.

Watermelon can also help us get rid of ammonia and other waste. Mint has soothing and rejuvenating properties to get rid of indigestion and cramps. They can also reduce inflammation to clear up skin.

8. Watermelon Strawberry Lemonade Detox



  • Organic watermelons
  • Organic strawberries
  • Filtered water
  • Slices or juice of lemon or lime


Use a juicer to juice watermelon and strawberries. Add the lemon or lime juice and mix with pure water. This is a fat flush recipe which really works! Get the complete recipe for watermelon strawberry lemonade detox water here. Benefits of this natural detox drink include boosted immunity, improved digestion and complete liver detoxification for clearer skin and weight loss.

9. Watermelon Cucumber Water Detox



  • Cucumber
  • Watermelon
  • Water


Slice or cube the fruits and mix them up with pure water in a mason jar. Steep overnight or for at least 30 minutes to create flavourful natural detox drinks which really work! The cucumber and watermelon flush out fat and reduce sugar cravings.

Watermelon detoxifies the liver and kidneys to clear skin and help you lose weight faster. Reviews of this infused water for weight loss have been very positive. Read the complete and detailed recipe here.

10. Day Spa Apple Cinnamon Water Recipe

Does apple cinnamon water help you lose weight? Yes! It does as shown by the many positive reviews. This is the main reason why the day spa apple cinnamon water recipe is so popular and we have included it here.



  • Organic red or green apples
  • Powdered cinnamon or cinnamon sticks
  • Apple cider vinegar (optional)-Organic, raw with Mother
  • Honey or stevia (optional)
  • Fresh pure water


Slice apple and line at the bottom of a mason jar. Put in the cinnamon sticks and a few teaspoons of Apple cider vinegar and a dash of honey, both of which are optional in the original recipe. Pour in water and let sit for a few hours.

Drink this day spa apple cinnamon water for detox before every meal. Apple cinnamon water is ideal for weight loss and how much to drink it depends on your weight loss goals. Apple cinnamon water detox results and reviews have been very positive. You can read the complete day spa apple cinnamon water recipe with reviews here.

11. Blueberry Orange Water

This is one of the all time favourite infused water for weight loss with many health benefits.



  • Oranges-Sliced
  • Blueberries-organic varieties preferred
  • Fresh water


Combine all ingredients in a mason jar and refrigerate for a few hours. Get the detailed orange and blueberry detox water recipes for clear skin here. This flavoured water is very tasty and nutritious.

Blueberries are packed with antioxidants that prevent free radical damage to give you clear skin and reduced wrinkles. Oranges are packed with vitamin C which supports the immune system for overall health and wellbeing.

12. Blackberry Mint Detox Water



  • Blackberries-muddled and smashed
  • Mint leaves
  • Fresh water


This blackberry mint detox water recipe is ideal for those looking for tons of flavour to add to boring old plain water. By smashing the blackberries for this detox water recipe, you get enhanced taste and also the antioxidant benefits of blackberries.

Mint gives a refreshing taste and helps the body fight the free radical damage. You can also leave the black berries whole instead of muddling them. Get the complete original recipe for blackberry mint detox water here.

13. Raspberry Lemon Detox Water Recipe for Flat Belly

This is a highly popular fruit infused water recipes and its added advantage is that it gives you clear skin, and a flat belly.



  • Organic raspberries
  • Organic lime or lemons
  • Fresh mineral water
  • Dried Mejdool dates (optional)
  • Essential oil of lemon (optional)


Place berries at the bottom of a clean mason jar. Add dates. Pour in the water and add a few drops of the essential oil. Refrigerate the mixture for a few hours. You can remove the lemon rinds earlier if you do not want the raspberry lemon detox water to taste bitter.

Dates add sweetness and essential oil adds a fantastic flavour and aroma to this lemon water for detox recipe. Lemon essential oil, in particular, is an effective weight loss supplement that can be taken internally. This is one of the most effective detox to lose weight.

14. Lemon Ginger Water Detox



  • Ginger
  • Organic lemon or lime
  • Fresh water


This is the simplest at home detox in answer to ‘how to lose water weight overnight’. Grate the ginger in a jar of water and squeeze some lemon or lime juice in it. Also slice up the lemons and add the slices to the water. Let the mixture sit for 3-4 hours.

Ginger is a powerful antioxidant that kick-starts your metabolism to help you lose weight faster. Lemons are diuretic in nature and they help flush out water to help you lose water weight and fluid retention.

If you are feeling lethargic, bloated and unusually tired, try this amazingly simple Lemon ginger water detox. Get the detailed recipe here.

15. Lime Water Detox Recipe

If you do not have any other fruits in your pantry but wish to make a simple fruit infused detox water recipe, then this simple lime water detox is ideal for you. Lime water detox has hundreds of health benefits, including clear, acne-free and blemish-free skin, as well as reduced weight.

Ancient Indian medical science of Ayurveda recommends starting your morning with this simple lemon water detox to reduce constipation. You can even use this remedy to cure a hangover. So, if you have had a night of drinking and eating, go on and try this wonderful lime water detox recipe.



  • Fresh organic lime or lemons
  • Filtered water


Squeeze the juice of an entire lemon or lime in a glass of warm water and drink up. Do this on an empty stomach before having breakfast. This lemon detox drink recipe can also be used on the days you are fasting to give your digestive system a break.

You can add a bit of honey to the mixture in case the lime water detox recipe is too sour for you.

16. Green Tea Detox Drink -Simple Fat Burning Detox Water 

Green tea is very high in antioxidants. It has flavonoids called epigallocatechin gallate which can flush out toxic elements from the body to give you clearer acne-free skin. Green tea detox drink recipe is also ideal for weight watchers looking to flush out the fat and get a flatter belly.



  • Green tea bag
  • Hot water
  • Cinnamon
  • Lemon juice
  • Cayenne pepper


For the complete recipe, click here. This recipe can be had in the morning on an empty stomach to kick start metabolism. If green tea detox drink on empty stomach causes nausea, you can have this detox tea recipe in between meals. It will help curb appetite and unhealthy food cravings.

The other ingredients in this Green tea detox drink can help with circulation problems, clear acne, fight cholesterol, detox the liver and give many other health benefits.

17. Apple Cider Vinegar Detox Drink - Fat Burning Detox Water

Majority of the fat burning drinks have apple cider vinegar as a primary ingredient. Apple cider vinegar or ACV as it is popularly known as, is a natural cleanser and detoxifier. It has many healing properties that make it ideal for curing acne and blemishes on the skin.

ACV can also detoxify the liver and improve blood circulation to flush out the waste. It can help boost metabolism and dissolve fat storage. Apple cider vinegar detox drink can be combined with exercise and healthy diet to suppress appetite, boost metabolism and reduce water retention. Here is a recipe for Apple cider vinegar detox drink:



  • Organic Apple cider vinegar
  • Fresh water
  • Lemon juice
  • Cinnamon
  • Cayenne pepper
  • Honey


For detailed recipe, click here. ACV is acidic in nature, so do not drink it undiluted. The lemon juice and cayenne pepper in this apple cider vinegar detox drink recipe also stimulate metabolism making it one of the most effective fat burning drinks.

18. Pineapple Detox Tea

Pineapple is rich in Bromelain, a compound that is being studied extensively for its cancer-fighting properties. Pineapple detox tea recipe given below uses sugarcane sticks, but if these are not available, you could use some molasses or raw organic honey to sweeten it. You can also simply make plain fruit infused water using only chunks of pineapple. Sip on this tea through the day to burn fat and reduce food cravings.



  • Chunks of pineapple
  • Sugarcane sticks
  • Fresh water


Simply combine the three ingredients and allow to sit overnight-the longer the better. You can use canned pineapple, though it is best to go for fresh ones for added benefits. This refreshingly tasty

Pineapple detox tea is a tropical delight ideal for hot summer days. Get the complete recipe of this nourishing detox drink here.

19. Pear Cucumber Ginger Detox Drink

This detox drink recipe is not your regular fruit infused water type of recipe. You will need a juicer for this one. This is a body cleansing, weight reducing detox drink. So go on , drink your fill. Did we mention it is delicious too?



  • Fresh organic pears
  • Few pieces of ginger
  • Cucumber
  • Spinach leaves (optional)
  • Slices of lemon
  • Water


Add pieces of pears and grated ginger in a mason jar. Slice the lemon and add it in. Add spinach leaves in as well. Pour water on top and leave it overnight. Drink this healthy detox drink for clear skin, weight loss, for flat belly and for complete cleansing.

Pears have anti-inflammatory properties which can fight many health conditions including acne, hair loss etc. They are also rich in many vitamins and minerals. They provide fibre and are ideal for reducing constipation and bloating.

Consumed regularly with adequate exercise and healthy diet, this water with fruit recipe can give you a flat belly. We found the recipe here.

20. Rosemary Refresher

Rosemary herb adds great deal of flavour to any detox water recipes. Try this incredibly refreshing detox water infused with rosemary and watermelon to lose weight and clear skin.



  • Few sprigs of rosemary-fresh or dried
  • Watermelon cubed
  • Filtered water


This is literally an elixir for those trying to chelate toxins from the body. Drink this wonderful herb infused water with fruit on the day after you have had alcoholic beverages. Get the complete recipe for Watermelon Rosemary Detox water here.

21. Grape Cantaloupe Infused Water for Weight Loss and Flat Belly

Cantaloupe is a low calorie fruit packed with tons of fibre. Ginger in the recipe provides anti-inflammatory properties and grapes are ideal weight loss foods as well. Here are the ingredients



  • Grapes-halved
  • Cantaloupes-cubed
  • 1 lemon-sliced
  • Some ginger-grated
  • Water


Mix all the ingredients and steep overnight. This infused water for weight loss can help cleanse your body and detoxify it completely. This detox water recipe will also make your body alkaline to fight pain, inflammation, acne etc. Get the detailed recipe here.

22. Peppermint Grapefruit Detox Water for Weight Loss

This peppermint grapefruit detox water recipe can reduce bloating, constipation and other digestive ailments. Peppermint is anti-inflammatory and invigorating. It helps cleanse the kidneys and liver to give you a clearer complexion. Grapefruit is ideal for weight loss.



  • Fresh peppermint leaves
  • Lemon and lime
  • Cucumber slices
  • Ginger-peeled and grated
  • Grapefruit-Sliced or halved
  • Filtered water


For detailed recipe, click here. Make sure you steep the drink overnight. Drink this weight loss detox water daily in between meals to curb hunger cravings.

23. Berries Infused Water

This is a super antioxidant packed, nourishing and refreshing water with fruit-mainly berries.



  • All kinds of berries
  • Sage leaves
  • Fresh water


For this water with fruit, just mix all kinds of berries like strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, blueberries etc in a jar. Add crushed sage leaves on top. Fill the jar with water to the brim. Refrigerate overnight and drink daily. For detailed recipe, click here.

24. Blueberry Detox Water with Lavender

This fragrant detox water for weight loss recipe is packed with flavour and anti-oxidants. This popular spa water recipe is one of the best detox drink that can help you lose weight fast.



  • Blueberries
  • Lavender flowers or leaves-organic and edible
  • Fresh water


Add the fruits and flowers to a pitcher of water. Refrigerate for a few hours or overnight. For detailed recipe, click here.

25. Flowery Citrus Water

This flowery citrus water is ideal for detox on a hot summer day. You can use any flowers you like. Just make sure you use pesticide free varieties. Rose, lavender, jasmine, citrus blossoms are some edible flowers. Here is the ingredient list for making the flowery citrus blend:


  • Edible Flowers- washed
  • Citrusy fruits-Oranges, lemons, limes, etc
  • Fresh water


Combine all ingredients and let the flowers and fruits infuse their colours and flavours in the detox water overnight. Sip on this drink throughout the day. Citrus fruits are filled with vitamin C for immunity and also help in boosting metabolism. Get the detailed recipes here.

26. Cucumber Lavender Zinger for Detox

This is another delicious detox tea or spa water served at day spas. Not only is this detox water recipe extremely simple to make, it is full of vitamins and minerals. The lavender enhances the taste and flavour of this refreshing summery drink. Here is what you need for making this cucumber lavender zinger:



  • Cucumber
  • Lavender sprigs
  • Mint (optional)
  • Fresh water


Arrange the cucumber slices at the bottom or a large pitcher. Add 1 teaspoon of culinary dried lavender. You can also add sprigs of mint and pour cold water on top.

Cucumber detox water reviews have been very positive in that; it has helped clear up acne by reducing inflammation. Mint is refreshing and packed with healthy compounds. Lavender also soothes and has antimicrobial properties.

For this complete cucumber detox water recipe, click here.

27. Lemon Coconut Detox Water for Weight Loss

Coconut water is packed with electrolytes for hydration. It helps in appetite suppression and this property makes our next recipe one of the best weight loss drinks.



  • Coconut water
  • Lemon slices or juice
  • Aloe Vera cubes, gel or juice.
  • Alkaline water optional
  • Filtered water
  • Stevia or honey optional


Mix all ingredients and stir well. You may drink immediately or refrigerate overnight. Find this delicious recipe here. Aloe Vera is anti inflammatory and has acne fighting properties. This refreshing drink curbs sugar cravings to help you lose weight faster. Drink before meal times for best results.

28. Grapefruit Apple Cider Vinegar Fat Flush Water



  • Red grapefruits
  • Organic Apple Cider Vinegar
  • Honey optional
  • Water-fresh, filtered
  • Ice cubes optional


Slice red grapefruits and place in a pitcher. Add a few tablespoons of ACV to this. Pour fresh water from top. Honey can be added for some sweetness. Cover the pitcher with a plastic wrap and refrigerate overnight.

Drink all day and especially between meals. This is a low calorie drink and excellent appetite suppressor. Apple cider vinegar fights acne-causing bacteria to give you clearer skin and has many other benefits.

This is an excellent weight loss water recipe. Get the detailed recipe here.

29. Raspberry Kiwi Peach Detox Water

This is a highly popular detox water recipe with kiwi. Peach is full of fibre to help reduce constipation, bloating etc. The berries and kiwi give you a healthy dose of Vitamin C which is essential for a healthy metabolism, immune system and clear skin.



  • Raspberry
  • Kiwis
  • Peaches
  • Water


Add all the fruit cubed or sliced to a large pitcher. Add cold water and let sit for a few hours in the refrigerator. Enjoy chilled! Get the detailed recipe here.

30. Jillian Michael’s Detox Water with Cranberry Juice

Jillian Michael is an inspiration and she has helped thousands of people lose weight. Here is her detox water recipe which is one of the most popular detox water recipes for weight loss.



  • Pure cranberry juice
  • Filtered water
  • Lemon juice
  • 1 bag of Dandelion root tea brewed


Mix all ingredients. Sip on this tea to start losing weight. Get the complete recipe here. Dandelion helps with many health issues including indigestion and bloating etc. Cranberries fight infections like UTIs or bladder infections by limiting bacterial colonies in the body.

31. Beyonce’s Lemon Water Detox Recipe aka The Master Cleanse

Popularly known as Beyonce’s Master cleanse, this lemon water detox is super effective and gives incredible results. Not only can you flush out all of the extra fat by drinking this detox recipe, you can also get a glowing skin like Queen Bey herself.



  • Organic maple syrup
  • Fresh lemon juice
  • Pure water
  • Cayenne pepper


Mix all the ingredients and make lemonade. This lemon water detox can be used when you are fasting to lose weight. Drink at least 6-8 glasses per day for 5 days (Beyonce does it for 10 days!) and notice how your skin starts clearing up.

You can easily lose 8-10 pounds (3-5 kg) with this diet. The lemon water detox improved metabolism and flushes out toxins. Get the complete Beyonce lemon water detox recipe here.

32. Pomegranate Lemon Infused Water

Pomegranate is high in antioxidants which helps flush out toxins and cleanses the body completely.



  • Pomegranate seeds
  • Lemon slices
  • Water


Add pomegranate seeds to the bottom of a glass pitcher and pour water on top. Slide in the lemon slices and refrigerate for a few hours-the longer the better. If needed, you can crush the pomegranate seeds to release the juices.

Drink this cleanse drink to improve metabolism, reduce mucous formation and get relief from coughs. The lemon juice is high in Vitamin C content for improved metabolism and immune function. Get complete recipe here.

33. Pomegranate Cucumber Lemon Infused Water

Pomegranate is an immune system builder. It can prepare your body for wear and tear caused by environmental pollution and toxins. It is high in fibre. When consumed regularly, it can give you youthful, healthy and glowing skin. The lemon juice in this pomegranate cucumber water recipe is packed with vitamin C for strength and immunity. Cucumber itself is rich in many vitamins and minerals including vitamin A, K and calcium.



  • Pomegranate seeds
  • Lemon slices
  • Cucumber slices
  • Fresh water


This cucumber water recipe is ideal for winters as it provides the body with warmth. Add all ingredients except water in a glass jar or pitcher. You can crush the fruits slightly. Pour the water from top. Let the mixture sit overnight so it is infused with goodness.

Sip the drink all through the day and especially in between meals to detox the body off toxic elements. Get the detailed recipe here.

34. Mango Strawberry Detox Drink

Popular among the strawberry detox water fans, this tropical detox water recipe is refreshing, tasty and cooling. Mango is anti-carcinogenic. It has many compounds and enzymes that fight cancer and research has proven it.

Mango also lowers bad cholesterol. It helps clear blocked skin pores to give you clearer and glowing skin. It is rich in vitamin A which is necessary for good vision, hair and skin. Strawberry is packed in antioxidants and vitamin C.

Both of these are known to fight wrinkles and boost collagen. They are nutrient rich fruits that are also heart healthy. Regular consumption of this mango strawberry detox water can help reduce weight and improve overall health.



  • Ripe Mango Slices
  • Strawberry halves
  • Water


Add the fruit to a jar. Pour fresh water on top. Let the nutrients from the fruits infuse in the water overnight. Serve with ice cubes. Get detailed recipe here.

35. Day Spa Mango Ginger Water

As the name suggests, this detox water recipe is served at spas due to its delightfully refreshing taste. Ginger is anti-inflammatory in nature and it can relieve menstrual cramps and headaches. It is also useful in soothing nausea, indigestion, gas and bloating.

Mango, on the other hand, is packed with vitamins and minerals that helps boost metabolism. Mango is great for the skin and helps improve its texture and tone. Mangoes are also beneficial for the eyesight.



  • Mango slices
  • Ginger root
  • Water
  • Ice cubes


Add ripe mango slices to a pitcher. Using a knife, carve out coins or cut slices of the ginger root making sure that you peel and discard its thicker outer skin first. You could also grate the ginger if needed.

Add water. Let the drink sit and rest for at least 4-5 hours. Serve by adding ice cubes. Get the detailed recipe here.

36. Mango Basil Infused Water

This next recipe will help you answer the question-what to drink to lose weight? Basil is a natural antimicrobial and antiseptic. This herb can boost metabolism and help you avoid unnecessary food cravings. When paired with mango-which is known to stimulate digestion-you can get necessary nutrients and lose excess fat.



  • Mango slices
  • Few leaves of fresh basil
  • Water


Add mango slices to the bottom of a glass or a pitcher. Toss in the basil leaves. Pour cold water from top. Let the mixture rest overnight. Serve chilled. Get the detailed recipe here.

37. Honeydew Melon Mint Workout Water

Ideally we must all drink 8-10 glasses of water daily, and for those who workout, this amount must be even more. If you dislike drinking water, or, in general are searching for fat burning detox water that will help you lose weight; this next recipe is for you.



  • Honeydew melon slices
  • Mint leaves
  • Lemon slices or juice


Honeydew melon is rich in vitamin C. That combined with the mint and lemon juice can kick-start your metabolism to help you lose weight fast. As with all other fruit infused water recipes, add the fruit at the bottom of a pitcher or jar.

Throw in the mint leaves and toss in the lemon slices on top. Pour water and let the mixture rest overnight. Drink in between workouts for instant energy. For detailed recipe, click here.

38. Pineapple Orange Tropical Delight

Fruit infused water benefits are very well known and especially popular among people who detox from time to time. If you are looking for good detox drinks recipe, this tropical, vitamin C packed fruit infused water is perfect. Both oranges and pineapples help aid digestion and metabolism and also heal and repair the body.



  • Pineapple slices or chunks. You can use fresh or canned
  • Orange slices
  • Water


In a large bottle/jar, add the fruit slices at the bottom and pour fresh water from top. Let the mixture rest for a few hours/overnight before serving. Find this awesome recipe here.

39. Lose Water Weight Fast With Dandelion Cranberry Detox Tea

Looking to lose water weight fast? Then you are going to love this next detox tea recipe with dandelion and cranberries.



  • Dandelion tea brewed
  • Cranberries
  • Lemon-juice or slices
  • Water
  • Honey or Stevia-optional


In a pitcher, combine the brewed dandelion tea and cranberries. You can muddle or crush the cranberries a bit. You can also use fresh cranberry juice instead of using real berries. Add lemon slices and top off with water. Let the mixture steep for a few hours. Add honey before serving.

This detox tea must be had on the days you are fasting. It can make you feel a bit sick, but that is okay as your body is throwing out the toxins. Dandelion has diuretic properties which cleanse the kidneys. It is also an excellent liver tonic and helps purify the blood. Cranberries can ward off urine infections.

This detox tea recipe increases metabolism and is also helpful in reducing gas, indigestion and bloating. Get detailed recipe here.

40. Ginger Turmeric Anti Aging Detox Tea

Turmeric contains curcumin which is being tested for its role in Alzheimer prevention. Turmeric is also antiseptic in nature and can relieve infections. Ginger is soothing and anti-inflammatory. This healthy detox tea is ideal for all those looking to lose weight, jump-start their metabolism and clear up acne. It also provides you with many anti-aging benefits. learn about health benefits of turmeric here



  • Ginger root-peeled and grated
  • Turmeric powder
  • Mint leaves
  • Water


This tea is best prepared with hot water. Mix the first three ingredients in a pitcher or a glass and add hot water from top. Let it steep for a few hours.

Drink every few hours. If needed strain the tea to remove bits of ginger and mint leaves. Get detailed recipe from this site.

41. Mango Cucumber Spa Water

Mango enhances the flavour of regular cucumber detox water and also adds to the existing benefits of cucumber water. Refreshingly light, sweet and yummy, this spa water is ideal for all those looking to flush fat and clear up acne.


  • Mango slices
  • Cucumber slices
  • Some ice cubes
  • Water


In a large pitcher, add the chunks of mango and slices of cucumber. Top with ice cubes and add water on top. Let rest in refrigerator for a few hours or overnight. Pour in a glass and enjoy.

This recipe comes from a fantastic book that you can buy on Amazon. Check it out here.

42. Tangerine Strawberry Infused Water

Tangerine and strawberries are metabolism boosters and packed with vitamin C which is an antioxidant. Antioxidants fight premature aging and are necessary for weight loss and clear and smooth skin. Here are the ingredients for this detox tea:



  • Tangerine rind
  • Strawberries - halved. You can use fresh, dried or frozen
  • Water


Boil water and remove from heat. Put in the fruit and let steep. When the strawberries plump up, mash them with a fork. You can now sieve the fruit out or leave them as is. Enjoy this amazing warm detox tea in winter and start flushing the fat out! Get complete recipe here.

43. Peach Mint Cool Water

This is an ideal summertime fruit infused drink for detox, losing weight fast and clearing up acne prone skin. Peach is full of fibre that can help activate your digestive system. Mint is refreshing and cooling. Its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties help ward off acne.

This tasty cooling drink also reduces hunger pangs and helps control unnecessary bingeing. So go on drink up!



  • Peach slices
  • Mint leaves
  • Water
  • Vanilla essence optional


Add peace slices in a jar. Add some crushed mint leaves on top. Fill the jar up with cold water. Let the mixture rest for a few hours. You can garnish this cooling detox drink with some more peach slices or add a few drops of vanilla essence for added sweetness and flavour. Find this recipe here.

44. Turmeric Detox Drink

Our air is polluted and our food is full of preservatives. It makes sense to regularly cleanse the body from inside out and this turmeric detox drink does exactly that. Turmeric is known for its antiseptic and antimicrobial properties which help chelate toxins and fight infections.

This morning turmeric detox drink has lemon and a dash of cinnamon all of which help in metabolism and weight management. Drink up regularly for good health!



  • Warm water
  • Turmeric powder
  • Cinnamon stick or powder
  • Lemon slices or juice
  • Honey or stevia or Agave nectar for sweetness


To a cup of warm water, add half a teaspoon of turmeric and cinnamon powder. Let steep for a few minutes. Add a dash of lemon juice and honey and drink first thing on an empty stomach. This detox tea recipe is very powerful and can provide long term health benefits. Find the original recipe here.

45. Cranberries Clementine Pears Infused Water

Ahh! Can you imagine infused water any more delightful than one with cranberries, clementines and pears? These fruits are reminiscent of fall and full of colour and flavour.

Cranberries have compounds known to cure and prevent urine infections in women. Pears are packed with fibre, antioxidants and nutrients to curb hair loss and also provide anti aging health benefits.

Clementines have tons of vitamin C for weight management and immunity.



  • Thinly sliced pears
  • Clementine oranges slices
  • Dried or fresh cranberries
  • Water


It is essential to slice/chop all the fruits finely for getting the most flavour. For sweetness, you can add some honey, stevia or even some apple slices. Add all sliced fruit and combine with water. You can mash or muddle the fruits a bit for flavour.

Add ice cubes and let steep overnight. Serve by adding some more ice cubes. Drink before meals to curb appetite. Original recipe here.

46. Berry Peach Coconut Infused Water

What a beautiful tropical way to upgrade your H2O! This berry peach infused fruit water is perfect and healthy-after all there is tons of goodness from the coconut water. Berries give you antioxidants and vitamin C, peach is packed with fibre to keep you regular and coconut water is full of electrolytes.



  • Organic fresh coconut water
  • Fresh organic berries-blueberries, blackberries, strawberries etc
  • Peach-pitted and sliced
  • Filtered water


Add berries in a clean jar. Add the peach slices on top. Pour in coconut water and filtered water. Stir to combine. You can eve crush the berries a bit for more flavour. Refrigerate for a few hours or overnight. Drink every few hours. Get original recipe here.

47. Mandarin Orange Blueberry Coconut Water

This tropical delightful detox water recipe is slightly different than the other infused water recipes discussed here in that; we use only coconut water for infusing with fruit and do not add any plain filtered water.

That being said; there are no hard and fast rules. You can dilute the infused water recipe to your liking and taste. We are sure it will taste great anyway.



  • Coconut water
  • Orange slices-you can use any seasonal oranges
  • Blueberries-fresh or frozen
  • Ice cubes


Mix all ingredients and let sit for few hours-the longer the better. Enjoy fresh with some more crushed ice cubes! Get the original recipe here.

48. Cilantro Cucumber Lemon Water Recipe

Cilantro is a powerful herb known to chelate toxins like heavy metals from the body including mercury. Cucumber is packed with vitamins and minerals and also soothes, rejuvenates, cools and refreshes.

Together with lemon water recipe, these ingredients help detoxify, boost metabolism and also give you a clearer and glowing complexion.



  • Sprigs of cilantro-you can also use just the leaves instead of stems
  • Cucumber sliced
  • Lemon slice or juice


Method to make this infused lemon water recipe for detox, slice cucumber and separate cilantro leaves from the stems. Add them in a jar along with sliced lemon and pour water on top.

Allow to infuse for a couple of hours. If steeping it longer, remove the lemon else the drink might become too bitter. For complete recipe, click here.

49. Grape Pineapple Infused Water

This recipe of fruit infused water uses red grapes but you can use green or black grapes as well. Grapes are rich in antioxidants and vitamin C. Pineapple is rich in Bromelain which heals bruises quickly. It also works on the skin to reduce acne and other skin problems.



  • Chunks of Pineapple
  • Grapes cut in halves
  • Fresh water


In a pitcher or infuser bottle, add the fruits and pour water on top. Let the mixture rest overnight or for at least a few hours in the refrigerator. Serve chilled topped with crushed ice cubes. Here is the original recipe.

50. Blackberry Strawberry Rosemary Infused Water

This is one of the most refreshing summer drinks for fans of fruit infused water recipes. Strawberries work very well in this recipe as they impart colour, strong flavour and tons of nutrition. Rosemary herb is very good for skin and hair. So go on and enjoy this delicious infused water.



  • Strawberries
  • Blackberries
  • Rosemary sprigs
  • Water


Chop the strawberries in halves and remove the hull. You can muddle the blackberries a bit or leave them as is. Add the berries in a glass mason jar.

Pour water and ice cubes on top. Enjoy after 4-8 hours. Visit this website for the original recipe.

51. Orange Vanilla Infused Water

Anyone who tastes this awesome and simple detox water recipe will come back for more! Orange adds the right amount of sweet sour taste while Vanilla adds a hint of sweetness and warmth. If you feel you do not drink enough water in winters, then this infused water recipe will certainly get you to drink more! Orange gives you all the antioxidant goodness and its high vitamin C content means boosted immunity.



  • Vanilla bean
  • Fresh organic oranges
  • Water


In a pitcher, place slices of orange and scrape some vanilla bean seeds on top. Add fresh water on top to the brim. Let infuse for 8 hours after which you can filter the water to remove the fruit and seeds.

If you find that the water gets too bitter, you can infuse for only a couple of hours. Find the complete recipe on

52. Raspberry Rose Vanilla Infused Water

This is the perfect detox water recipe for hot summer days.



  • Raspberries
  • Fresh organic pesticide free rose petals
  • Vanilla bean or essence
  • Fresh water


Add all the ingredients in a pitcher. Let infuse for a few hours. You can also muddle the raspberries and Rose petals so as to infuse the colours and flavours. Strain the next morning with a cheese cloth or strainer.

Raspberries are packed with fibre and vitamin C. They also contain antioxidants for clear, healthy, younger looking skin. Rose petals help soothe inflammation. Drink 7-8 glasses between meals to lose weight and curb appetite. We found this delicious recipe here.

53. Peach Sage Infused Water

Peach makes this infused detox water recipe extremely nutritious and delicious. Peaches are rich in antioxidants and also known to prevent obesity. They have vitamins A and C which keeps skin hydrated, moisturised and younger looking.

It is also a natural stress reliever. Peach also has positive effects on the scalp and hair. Sage repairs the damage caused by free radicals.



  • Peaches
  • Sage leaves
  • Water


Slice peaches and add to a jar. Add sage leaves crushed. Pour water on top and let sit for at least 8 hours. Drink to good health! Here is the original recipe.

54. Blackberry Peach Water

The original recipe of this delicious detox water uses sugar, but you can omit it and add Stevia, Agave nectar or Honey instead. Peaches are great for the skin and hair and also for keeping off the weight. Blackberries are rich in fibre and antioxidants.

Both these superfoods make this a delicious and healthy drink.



  • Blackberries
  • Peaches
  • Organic peach juice
  • Water
  • Honey optional


In a pan, add some blackberries and peaches and heat until just about to cook. Now squeeze the cooked fruit so you get the syrup out. Strain the syrup and add to it the store brought or homemade peach juice. Add water.

If needed, sweeten with agave nectar, honey or sugar. Refrigerate and serve chilled. This drink is healthy as it is not too heavy like commercial fruit juices. You can make it extra delicious and healthy by adding chopped blackberries or peach slices before serving. Get the complete recipe here.

55. Fennel Citrus Digestive Aid

Our last recipe will aid digestion, relieve constipation and gas and is particularly beneficial if you have indulged in food and drinks. This detox tea contains fennel which is incredibly good for the digestive system.

The citrusy blend of lemons and oranges packs tons of vitamin C and antioxidants to give you a glowing skin and shiny hair. Mint heals inflammation and reduces pimples and zits.

Mint also supports digestion and removes toxins from the system.



  • Fennel seeds
  • Oranges-sliced
  • Lemon slices or juice
  • Mint leaves
  • Water


Coarsely crush fennel seeds and pour a few cups of boiling water on them. Allow it to sit for a few hours. Once cool, add some lemon juice and slices of oranges and let sit further for a few hours.

You can also add some crushed mint leaves. Serve chilled. Here is the complete recipe.

Human body is a complex machine made of organs, tissues and cells all of which work in tandem to perform different tasks. So, you need a good balance of nutrients in order for the organs to function optimally.

In general, it will be highly beneficial if you drink plenty of water along with these infused water recipes and also follow a healthy diet and exercise regime as directed by your physician.

About the Author

Barbara is the founder and owner of She is a former research scientist with a serious passion for health. She enjoys writing about nutrition, wellness and lifestyle and empowering people to take control of their health.

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