What Are Blackheads?
So you want to know how to get rid of blackheads overnight. Don't be surprised if I tell you that it is possible to remove blackheads fast but first you need to you understand why they form so you can not only remove them effectively but also improve you skin's health and appearance long term.
Blackheads - almost all of have had them at certain stages of our life and admit it: we would do all sorts of crazy things in the name of blackhead extermination.
Throughout life and mainly during puberty, pregnancy and menopause, humans secrete hormones called androgens and progesterone.
Both these hormones lead to increased sebum production. Sebum is the oil produced by the skin’s glands which mixes with dirt, makeup and other foreign particles clogging up the skin’s pores. This ‘clogged debris’ eventually hardens and remains trapped under the skin’s surface.
A part of this hardened sebum gets oxidized when it comes in contact with air to form a blackhead. The remaining part, that is concealed under the skin’s surface remains whitish in colour and is called a whitehead.
The other term for these particles is comedone; blackheads are open comedones whereas whiteheads are closed comedones. In this guide, we will study proven best ways to get rid of blackheads on the nose and face quickly. Before we do so, let use consider a few facts about blackheads.
Facts About Blackheads Whiteheads and Acne
- Blackheads last longer than whiteheads since the sebum and bacteria slowly leach out on the skin’s surface.
- The most common areas where blackheads occur in teenagers and adults include the nose, parts of the cheeks, the chin and forehead. In elderly people, whiteheads and blackheads may even be seen around the upper cheeks and the skin around the eyes. In rare cases, clogged follicles can also cause blackheads in the ears.
- Blackheads and whiteheads contain several layers of dead skin cells.
- Getting rid of blackheads is challenging and frustrating. Improper blackhead removal can actually cause secondary skin infections by spreading the bacteria to healthy areas of the skin.
- Blackheads are dark in colour due to the melanin pigment that is made by the skin’s cells but is oxidized upon coming in contact with air.
- Popping blackheads or using glue, hot needles and pins are not the best ways to get rid of blackheads. Not only do these not provide dependable results; they can cause serious injuries, blisters or acne.
- A dermatologist can guide you to the best blackhead treatment for stubborn blackheads. Some in-office methods of blackhead extraction include microdermabrasion and chemical peels, which while expensive, are known to give guaranteed results.
- Blackheads, per se, are not painful but they may turn into cystic acne or nodules which are painful and also damaging to the sufferer’s self esteem and confidence.
15 Ways to Get Rid of Blackheads Overnight
The best way to remove blackheads from nose is using a gadget called blackhead extractor. Many effective blackhead extractor tools are available in the market. Apart from using these for maintenance, you can also use some natural home remedies to get rid of blackheads fast.
Below, we will discuss 15 of these tried and tested remedies of blackhead removal which are known to really work well and give quick results.
1. Use Blackhead Extraction Tools and Get Rid of Your Blackheads Fast!
Here are some of the best blackhead removal tools available in the market.
BESTOPE Blackhead Remover Pimple Comedone Extractor Tool with Metal Case
No. 1 best seller on Amazon in the list of best blackhead extractor kits that contains several tools, Bestope remover is scientifically designed to give you a great facial right in the comforts of your home. Using a quality extractor set is best way to remove blackheads.
It comes with all instructions you will need to remove and extract the blackheads. Make sure you open your pores first by using warm water on the face or by undergoing steam inhalation for a few minutes.
Once your pores are open, use the needles and loops to extract the acne and blackheads. The set also comes with triangular and squeezing loops that remove blockages without pain.
Check out the fantastic reviews here.
I like this kit as it's got anti-bacterial coating and is sold in a lovely metal case. It's not surprising that it is a top seller on Amazon.
The best part is you can wash these needles in hot water and/or alcohol and they won’t get rusty. The needles are a bit sharp so avoid putting unnecessary pressure to avoid injuries.
JPNK Blackhead Remover Tools 6 PCS Professional Surgical Extractor Best Blackhead Remover Kit
This great blackhead remover tool is actually recommended and used by dermatologists as well as cosmetologists in their clinics and salons for professional blackhead removal.
It comes with 6 (100% stainless steel) tools and anti-slip handles tat will help you better control the pressure during use, ensuring every step can be done with exceptional control and precision to avoid damage to the skin.
Hands down this is the best blackhead remover you can buy.
It's packed in a leather bag for easy transport or storage and you can buy it here.
The splinter tool can also be used to pop pimples and extract pus.
Just like with the other tools, make sure you prep your skin before using this remedy to get rid of blackheads.
An ideal way to do so is using a hot towel on the face for 10 minutes. This will open up the pores and make it easier to remove blackheads from the nose and chin areas fast.
Dermatique 5-Piece Blackhead Remover Kit
This is one of the best at-home blackhead extraction kits. I like that it comes with 5 different attachments that are designed to ensure maximum comfort during removal of comedones.
Made with surgical steel, this kit helps remove both black and whiteheads. If you are prone to picking and popping your skin, you will find this kit really useful.
It can help prevent the bacteria from spreading and also reduce damage you could inflict during your bathroom surgery of popping zits or removing blackheads.
The tools are a good size and provide a nice grip so you can make sure you get what you're going after without slipping and causing more harm than good.
The extractors came in a nice zip-up case to keep them secure in and one place. This is a nice set at a great price for travelling. It is also very inexpensive. I highly recommend it for anyone having blackhead issues. Check it out on Amazon.
You will learn how to use any of the tools very quickly. In the beginning, you might have some trouble deciding how much pressure to apply and which tool to use.. However, over time you will see how easy it is to remove the comedones as they just bubble up to the surface from where you can easily pick them out.
So do invest (it is very inexpressive) in a quality extraction set as this is ​the best blackhead removal method if you are after a quick result.
2. Use Epsom Salts and Iodine
Epsom salts have been used since ancient times to treat all kinds of skin problems. Most people do not know that Epsom salts can be used to fight pimples and also get rid of blackheads overnight. In a cup of water, preferably warm, add ½ a cup of Epsom salts and 10 drops of iodine solution.
Dipping a clean cloth in this mixture, wipe the blackhead prone area. This remedy helps clean the skin and also gently dislodges the blackheads and whiteheads. You can wash off your face with cool water after 20 minutes.
This remedy is more preventive in nature as it may not be able to remove hardened blackheads but it can certainly prevent them from turning into acne.
3. Steam the Skin
Steaming is a time honoured ritual and remedy to remove blackheads painlessly. Steaming helps soften the stratum corneum cells and also dislodges dirt and blackheads. The softened plugs in the skin pores can be easily removed using the blackhead removal tools described above.
Never remove blackheads with your fingers - resist the temptation no matter what. Failure to do so could lead to pimples as the bacteria could spread to the healthy regions of the skin. The skin safe way to steam skin is as follows:
- Simmer a pot of water on the stove. You could also use a Beauty Nymph Spa Home Facial Steamer Sauna or some other steamer pot that is readily available in the market.
- Place the pot on a counter where you can stand comfortably and lean over it.
- Cover your head with a towel, making sure your face is no closer than 12 inches from the hot water.
- You could toss a few herbs or essential oils in the steaming water.
- Steam the skin for at least 10 minutes.
- Avoid longer steaming as it could lead to breakouts.
4. Once-A-Week Scrubs and Exfoliates
A scrubbing cleanser can help you get rid of blackheads at home. Dermatologists recommend using scrubs and exfoliates at least once a week. These agents remove dead skin and piled up debris to uncover the plump, younger looking skin underneath.
Choose a natural scrub that contains microbeads which won’t abrade or scratch your skin. I use USANA's amazing Rice Bran Polisher twice a week.
Although not specifically designed for blackheads removal, Rice Bran Polisher is a gentle exfoliant with a lovely natural fragrance.
It contains natural fruit enzymes, beta-hydroxy acid, and rice-bran beads that help remove impurities and dead skin cells while aloe and other natural emollients nourish and refresh, leaving skin smoother, clearer, and more radiant.
Regular exfoliation is vital for healthy, radiant skin. I use USANA Rice Bran Polisher every day and this product is part of my daily beauty regimen. You won't believe how your skin feels even after a first time you've used it.​ Check it out it on my website.
Apply this scrub all over the blackheads in gentle circular motions to dislodge the hardened sebum. Avoid over-scrubbing as it could lead to redness and irritation. Do not use scrubs on sun-burnt skin. Always follow up with a gentle, non-skin-clogging moisturizer.
5. Use a Facial Mask - Best Mask to Remove Blackheads
Facial masks (or masques) provide several actions in one convenient product - they cleanse, soothe, moisturize, scrub and exfoliate. Many masks are enriched with natural products that also have medicinal properties.
These are especially beneficial for acne prone skin and help remove blackheads on the nose, face and chin.
One of the best blackhead remover masks available in the market is the Pure Body Naturals Beauty Dead Sea Mud Mask. Thousands of people have used this mask for minimizing wrinkles, shrinking pores, eliminating acne and also to get rid of blackheads fast.
This gentle mud mask has a rich creamy consistency without any harsh fragrance. Majority of users have tried it for blackheads and have been extremely satisfied with its results. The bonus of using this product is that it leaves the skin feeling soft and nourished and also helps eliminate blackheads, whiteheads and acne fast.
6. Apply Lemon Juice and Water
This remedy for blackheads really works! However, you need to be diligent with it and use it several times a week to actually see results. The mild acidic ph of lemon juice works on the inflamed skin’s follicles to kill the P. acnes bacterium that causes comedones and pimples.
Dilute lemon juice with a bit of water and apply it all over the face, concentrating on the areas having blackheads. Let the juice remain on the skin for 15 minutes. Wash off with cold water. Repeat application of the juice three times a day to get rid of blackheads fast. This remedy has been mentioned in the popular book ‘Modern Herbal’ by M. Grieve.
7. Use Apple Cider Vinegar and Baking Soda
Want to remove blackheads fast without exfoliation? Then this remedy is for you. Take 2 tablespoons of baking soda in a bowl. Add a little apple cider vinegar taking care that the mixture does not bubble over. Mix the ingredients until well blended. Apply the paste on your face and relax for 20-30 minutes. Rinse off with cool water.
Do not use a soap or cleanser. This remedy will prevent new blackheads and potential acne breakouts. Use this wonderful remedy at least twice a week to remove blackheads from the nose and chin.
8. Honey Oats and Lemon Juice - the All-Natural Blackhead Removal Remedy
Powder some oatmeal in a blender. Add a teaspoon of organic or manuka honey to it. Add in juice of half a lemon or lime. Scoop this sticky mixture on your palms and fingers and apply all over the blackheads in massaging circular motion. This wonderful homemade scrub will exfoliate the skin to remove blackheads gently.
9. Green Tea for Blackheads and Acne
Drink plenty of green tea as it has antioxidants that keep skin healthy and acne-free. Also, you could use the used tea leaves/tea bags for cleansing the skin gently. Simply use the leaves as a scrub or apply the used green tea or black tea bags all over the face-especially the acne and blackheads.
This will help fight inflammation. Used regularly, this home remedy can help you get rid of blackheads, whiteheads and acne and also leave you with fresh, soft, glowing skin.
10. Witch Hazel And Salicylic Acid
When it comes to blackhead removal, you must say yes to witch hazel. This natural astringent (alcohol based) heals and soothes acne prone skin and facilitates their easy removal. After cleansing your face, apply liberal amounts of witch hazel toner to the nose, ears or wherever you have blackheads. Let it air dry.
Repeat application several times a week. You can also use salicylic acid based cleanser which removes acne and pimples and is also effective against blackheads. Look for concentrations between 0.5% and 2%. You can even spot-treat acne and comedones with salicylic acid based creams.
This method does not give instant results. It usually takes time to see this method working.​
11. Mechanically Brush out the Blackheads
Invest in a good quality facial cleansing brush such as Olay ProX Advanced Cleansing System with Facial Brush. It deeply cleanses the skin to remove blackheads and whiteheads fast. It is definitely a must have in your acne arsenal and if you use makeup during the day.
The brush helps remove makeup easily and can prevent clogged pores. It is gentle enough for daily use. It is recommended you use it with a special cleanser for deep cleaning the skin. The brush also provides anti aging benefits.
It's a top seller on Amazon. See all the amazing testimonials from 7000 happy users!
12. Tea Tree Oil for Blackheads
The simplest home remedy to remove blackheads from the nose is to dab tea tree oil on them. This is a wonderful remedy for black and whiteheads as well as pimples. Tea tree oil has been studied extensively in the University of Maryland Medical Center.
These studies found that tea tree oil is beneficial for treating several skin problems including acne and eczema thanks to its antimicrobial properties. In fact; it may be as effective as benzoyl peroxide when it comes to treating blackheads and zits.
13. Tomatoes for Blackheads
Tomatoes can be used standalone or mixed with some lemon juice for making a blackhead fighting face mask. Juice the tomato in a blender. Collect the juice in a bowl. Now mix the juice of half a lemon or lime with it. Lie on your back.
Apply the juice mixture all over your face, concentrating mainly on the areas having blackheads. Leave the pulp on for at least 15 minutes. After the skin is dry, wash with warm water and a mild cleanser. You must repeat this remedy at least 3 times a week to reduce sebum and prevent breakouts.
14. Egg White Mask
An egg white mask is one of the proven ways to remove blackheads around the nose fast, overnight. You can use egg white on its own, or mix it up with some honey which will impart wonderful moisturizing and antibacterial properties to this blackhead removal remedy.
Crack an egg open and separate the yolk. Collect the white in a bowl. Add a teaspoon of honey to it and apply the mixture all over the nose, cheeks, chin and forehead where the blackheads are concentrated. Leave the mask on for 30 minutes. Your face and skin will feel stretched. Remove the mask by washing it with warm water.
This treatment will instantly minimize and shrink your pores and also remove blackheads quickly. Repeat this remedy twice a week.
15. AHA Blackhead Removers
AHA stands for alpha hydroxy acid and includes malic acid, citric acid, lactic acid and glycolic acid. Unlike BHAs (beta hydroxy acids) such as salicylic acid, AHAs help remove blackheads, comedones and acne quickly.
They are also great anti-aging products that can diminish wrinkles and fine lines. AHAs and BHAs are excellent exfoliates that remove the dead skin cells and revel fresher, younger skin underneath.
Blackheads are ugly and they can lead to acne. They are also frustrating to get rid of but no matter what, you must avoid touching or squeezing them. Never use treatments like hot glue or heated needles to remove blackheads.
Not only are these methods unreliable; they are also dangerous and could lead to permanent scarring, burns and other serious injuries. Instead, invest in a good blackhead extraction kit or try one of the other methods to get rid of blackheads overnight. Which method suits you best? Please comment below.