Every time you look at the mirror, you noticed that there are small, fresh-colored bumps that appear on your neck, groin or even at your eye lids.
Before you freak out, these bumps, more commonly known as skin tags, are harmless and can be removed through different means.
Find out everything you should know about these bumps, what causes skin tags and tips on how to remove skin tags even at the comfort of your own homes.
What Are Skin Tags?
There are many ways to call a skin tag: acrochordon, soft fibroma, Templeton skin tag or even cutaneous tag. Apparently, one thing remains the same – it is a small, soft balloon of hanging skin. It can either be fresh-colored or darkly pigmented tissue that appears smooth or irregular which is attached on your surrounding skin by a short, narrow stalk called “peduncle.”
Skin tags are made of core of fibres and ducts, nerve cells, fat cells and a covering. They can appear on any part of your body, however, it is more prone on characteristic friction areas where your skin rub against each other such as the eyelids, armpits, under the breast, groin, upper chest, buttock folds or neck. They can range in diameter from 2mm to 1 cm and can go as big as 5cm.
Why Do People Get Skin Tags?
Did you know that millions of people around the globe have reported to have skin tags at some point in their lives? Yes, skin tags affect millions of people so there is no reason for you to feel bad. Apparently, the experts are not quite sure on what exactly are the skin tags causes. Since it is more common in skin creases or folds, experts believe that these bumps are caused by skin rubbing against your skin. Nonetheless, here are the other reasons and risk factors why you can or will have skin tags once in your lifetime.
- Obesity – If you are on the heavy side, then the excess amount of your weight and skin are more likely to experience friction and folds which can result to skin tags.
- Genes – Your characteristics and body compositions are greatly affected by the genes you inherited. If you have relatives and family members such as parents, grandparents or siblings who have skin tags, then that means you can have it too.
- Pregnancy – Pregnancy can bring a lot of unwanted changes in your body. Aside from the risk of developing stretch marks, acne or skin discoloration, pregnancy can give rise to skin tags too. Pregnancy skin tags can be brought my two reasons: the hormones and chemical changes in the body, and the increase of folds and creases which can cause your skin to rub against each other.
- Illegal use of steroids – Steroids can help your muscles build faster. However, wrong use of this substance can interfere with your body and muscles that causes the collagen fibres in your skin to bond. This can give rise to skin tags.
Who Is More at Risk of Developing Skin Tags?
According to the National Institutes of Health, approximately 46% of the population in the United States have skin tags. Aside from the risk factors mentioned above, there are certain group of people who are more prone to skin tags. They are:
- Middle-aged and older people – Skin tags are more common after midlife. According to experts, this may be due to too much collagen and blood vessels that are trapped inside thicker bits of skin.
- Overweight or obese people – They are more prone to creases and folds, causing the skin to rub against each other. They are also at risk of developing diabetes type 2.
- Those with diabetes – Apparently, skin tags and diabetes go hand in hand.
- People with human papilloma virus – Some studies say that there is a link between skin tags and low risk forms of HPV, particularly HPV 6 and 11.
When Can Skin Tags Become a Problem?
Generally, skin tags are harmless, painless and do not cause pain or discomfort. In fact, they are benign, meaning not cancerous, and do not require any form of treatment. At the same time, skin tags cannot be associated with any medical conditions or diseases although there are certain groups of people that can be affected such as obese individuals. Usually, those who belong on the heavier side develop a skin condition called acanthosis nigricans wherein tiny bumps are formed in their neck and armpits. This is due to high blood fats and sugar.
However, if your self-esteem is affected and you think that skin tags are an eye soar, or if the skin tags bleed every time it comes in contact with your clothes or jewelry, then you can have it removed with the help of a dermatologist. Just keep in mind that there is a price to pay since removing skin tags is considered a cosmetic surgery.
Still, there are extremely RARE instances where a skin tag becomes cancerous or pre-cancerous. If you noticed that the skin tags bleed, grow or comes in different colors such as pink, brown, red or black, then it might be a sign of skin cancer.
Can You Get Rid of It?
Of course! Thankfully, medicine is continuously evolving and medical experts are always looking for ways to help address all sorts of medical conditions. If the skin tags have become bothersome, here are some of the best medical and home remedies to remove skin tags – and you will be surprised with how a simple scissor or string can do to help you get rid of them.
Home Remedies to Remove Skin Tags
- The cut and snip method. Did you know that you can remove your skin tags using scissors? Yes, you read that right. This is just one of the traditional ways to remove skin tags at home. Just pull the skin tag slightly with a pair of tweezers and cut it off using sterile scissors even without anaesthesia. There may be some blood so make sure you have a sterile pad on hand. And don’t forget to place a bandage with antibiotic treatment over the affected areas.
- The string or floss drop. This method is ideal for mild cases of skin tags. All you need to do is to tie a string at the bottom of the skin tag and just leave it there. This can stop the blood flow, which the skin tag needs in order to survive. In just two to three days, the skin tag will fall off. Don’t forget to dab the affected area with an antibiotic ointment to prevent infection.
- Look for wart / skin tag removal products. Warts and skin tags are somewhat the same. For some people, using products that are designed for wart removal are effective in removing skin tags. There are also skin tag removal products that can be bought over the counter which you can try. Remember, the results are not instant so patience is really a key.
The good thing about these options is that it can be done at the comfort of your home. However, these methods will only work when skin tags are only in their mild state. If your skin tags affect a larger portion of your body, then read on to find out what cosmetic procedures can do to them.
Medical Options to Get Rid of Skin Tags
- Freeze it. This does not mean placing an ice over the skin tags. Just like wart removals, skin tags can be removed by freezing it with liquid nitrogen.
- Burn them. Don’t worry, there is no fire involved in this type of procedure. Thanks to heat, one of the best ways to remove skin tags is by burning it using medical electric cautery or electro-desiccation.
- Cut it. Again, skin tags live because of the blood flowing into it. If you want to get rid of the tags, then cutting the blood supply, through ligation procedure, can be done.
- Laser removal of skin tags. If you have large quantities of skin tags or skin tags that come in bigger diameter, then laser removal might be your best option. A numbing anaesthesia can be used to alleviate pain, if any. If you want, quick, safe and instant results, then these cosmetic procedures will do. Keep in mind that these techniques come with a price tag so it is important to have it done only by a licensed dermatologist or ophthalmologist, in case there are skin tags on eyelids.
Best Products for Removing Skin Tags
Many people are plagued with skin tags, moles and warts and they pop up on the worst possible place ever- the face! Even if you have skin tags on the neck, you are likely embarrassed by them. So today, I am going to share two amazing skin tag removal products that actually work.
If you are anything like hundreds of skin tag sufferers out there, then I bet you have already tried natural methods and home remedies to remove skin tags such as vinegar, tea tree oil, coconut oil, snipping and so on.
These remedies do not have guaranteed results; they work for some people but they often take weeks, even months. Some of thee methods could also lead to permanent skin damage.
So if you are looking for some efficient skin tag removal products, check out the following honest reviews of two great products:Micro TagBand System and the Skinprov Mole and Skin Tag Removal Cream. Thousands of people have used these systems effectively. So go ahead and give them a try- you will be pleasantly surprised!
Micro TagBand Skin Tag Remover Removal System
Salient Features
- Micro Tag band skin tag removal system is suitable for use on all areas of the body. You can easily use it to remove small to medium or even large tags and protruding moles near sensitive areas such as the eyes and mouth.
- The product is based on an innovative and cutting edge design that stops blood flow to the tag; the tags just fall off within a couple of days of using the product.
- You get 10 bands in the kit which are perfectly sized to cover small/medium or large tags.
- Once you run out of the bands, you can also order refill tag bands using this link.
How to Use the Micro Tag Band Skin Tag Removal System
Before you buy the Micro Tag band skin tag removal system, make sure you study the skin tag you are dealing with. If your tag is just a small flap of skin, you might want to buy the smallest version of this product. Some skin tags are bigger, so you need to choose the larger band. If for example, your skin tag is approximately 2mm, then you can go in for the regular version of the Micro Tag band skin tag removal. Otherwise, the rubber bands are just going to fall off and you won’t see results.
Also, a word of caution:
This product is not for you if your skin is allergic to rubber or latex products.
Steps for removing the tags with Micro Tag Band
- First clean the skin tag with the alcohol swabs that come with the product. Make sure you also clean the surrounding healthy skin just below the tag to remove oil or makeup etc. This is an important step to prevent infections and also ensure that the band works as intended.
- Next, take the conical band stick and push the band upwards. Bring the band all the way to the topmost section of the cone.
- Now attach the band pushing clip into the cone and bring it as close to the band as possible. The key is to apply the right amount of pressure on the remover clip on the band which will help you snap the band onto your skin tag.
Failure to get this step right could cause the band to not fit properly around the tag. This is also the main reason why you should buy the bands of the right size. If your skin tags are very small and you end up buying large bands, then the fit won’t be snug enough to shut off blood circulation to the tag.
- Now place the cone over the skin tag and let the band remover level with your skin’s surface.
- Now push the band remover towards the skin until it snaps the band onto the skin tag. Pull the cone and the band remover away from the skin.
- The band will snap tightly at the base of the tag cutting off blood supply to it. You can choose to cover the band with a bandage though it is not necessary. Many people did not use the bandage at all and still saw good results. After a week, the tag will dry and fall off naturally.
How Fast Does Micro Tag Band Work?
Most people have seen great results within a week of use of the Micro Tag Band. Some users have actually seen results in 2-3 days! It is best to use the tag band for at least a week patiently to cut off blood circulation completely. If the tag does not fall off after a couple of weeks, seek the help of a dermatologist to ensure that what you are dealing with is indeed a skin tag.
Why not use Floss to do what Micro Band does?
Many people use floss and other similar methods to cut off blood circulation to the tag. These methods are rather dangerous and can harm your skin. The nylon floss string could actually cut into the skin making it susceptible to infections.
- The Micro Tag Band Removal system comes with alcohol swabs to disinfect the skin. This greatly reduces risk of infections.
- You can use the bands on any area of the body.
- People have also successfully used the bands to remove anal skin tags, tags near the eyes, and in the sensitive armpit area.
- The product comes with clear instructions.
- Micro Band Tag removal system is also shipped internationally. Some couriers do not allow alcohol swabs to be shipped internationally, so international buyers actually get an extra set of refill bands and bandages in its place.
- In most cases, people see results with just one band though some users have had to use 2-3 bands.
- Some reviewers felt that the bands came off or moved easily, especially while bathing etc. The band remover stretched the bands expanding them and causing them to not fit properly on the skin tags.
- Often, the system takes more than a week to show results.
- Some users did not see results even after using 3-4 bands.
- People with sensitive skin have complained of extreme pain and occurrence of skin rash after using the tags.
- The tag bands sometimes sit too tightly on the tags. You might have to cut them off if that occurs.
- For tags in hard to access areas, you might need help of someone to place the band properly on the tag.
As stated above, Micro Band Tag remover is suitable for small to medium or large tags. Buy the right size to ensure great results. All in all, thousands of users have been completely satisfied with the results seen with this tag removal product. Many have even gone on to say that it is the only reliable skin tag remover system on the market.
SKINPROV Advanced Skinprov Tag and Mole Remover Cream (remove up to 10 skin tags)
Skinprov Tag remover cream is available in 2 sizes- for 4 moles or tags and 10 moles or skin tags. The latter comes in a blue coloured tube and contains the more concentrated version of cream than that available in the white coloured tube which is made for 4 tags.
Salient features
- Skinprov is a safe all natural formula that can be used for up to 10 skin tags or moles. As stated above, you can also try the 4 tag/mole remover version first if needed.
- Skinprov works on stubborn tags and moles.
- The product guarantees 100% satisfaction and even promises to refund the money in case users are not satisfied with the results.
- You can see results in less than 24 hours with SkinProv. This is the fastest any skin tag remover claims to work.
- Skinprov tag and mole remover kit comes with an emery board as well as some toothpicks. People may use these on embedded or flat warts and moles to gently abrade the skin and raise them a bit.
- The kit also contains Skinsave Healing Balm which you must use on the skin after the tag has come off. This is to prevent scarring. You may also use Neosporin ointment in place of the balm.
What does Skinprov Contain?
Skinprov contains the following active ingredients:
- 33% Blood root or Sanguinaria canadensis 3X
- 100% Zinc chloride
It also contains inactive ingredients like Germall Plus, distilled water and some preservatives. As can be seen, the product uses gentle ingredients which are homeopathic remedies. These usually work gently and do not have any adverse skin reaction in most cases.
How To Use Skinprov
Skinprov is very easy to use. You can use it on warts, moles and skin tags but the company cautions against use near sensitive areas such as the mouth, nose or eyes.
- Cleanse the skin thoroughly. Pat it dry.
- Apply Skinprov liberally on the skin tags.
- Let the product sit overnight; longer the better.
- Reapply every few hours during the day.
- You might experience some stinging, burning and pain. This is normal. However, in case of very sensitive skin, there might be an allergic reaction. Do discontinue use should that be the case.
- For most users, one application is enough and results are seen within 24 hours. However, some users have had to use the cream 2, 3, 4 or even 5 times.
- It is recommended that you reapply Skinprov after 24 hours again in case you do not see results in one use.
- Once the mole has turned whitish and the skin tag has fallen off, use the SkinSave healing balm liberally all over the tag/wart/mole. Cover the skin with a bandage and continue dressing the skin with SkinSave or Neosporin. This step is particularly important to prevent scarring and skin discoloration.
- Skinprov also works on moles that have fallen off but have left some blemishes. You must wait for the skin to heal completely first. Then apply Skinprov and wait for a day; the blemish will fade completely. Also continue to apply the SkinSave healing balm to ensure protecting the skin.
- You can also use Skinprov on warts, and stubborn moles. After regular use, the warts, moles ad skin tags dry up completely before falling off.
- For embedded skin tags, you might have to use a toothpick to raise the tag a bit. This way, the skin can get to the root of the tag and cover it completely. You can also use a warm wash cloth or a warm compress on the tag to raise it a bit before using Skinprov.
- In some users, the skin tags and moles turn into dried scabs before falling off. This is completely normal.
- The key to getting Skinprov to work properly is to use it regularly and as directed.
Special Precautions to take when using Skinprov
Skinprov could lead to mild skin irritation. So it is recommended that you use this product with the Quick Healing Balm (Skinsave Healing Balm)or Neosporin. This is especially important once your skin tag develops into a scab. It is very important to take care of the skin during the scabbing period to prevent infections and scar tissue as well as recurrent tags. Apply the balm/ointment several times a day and especially at night to protect the skin and speed up its natural healing mechanism.
It is also important to allow the dermis a period of 30-90 days to heal completely after the wart, mole or skin tag has fallen off. Keep the skin moisturized and apply the ointment frequently. You can also cover the area with a bandage. It also helps if you can press down the skin or massage it several times a day.
Skinprov is a well thought of skin tag removal product. It has the following positive features:
- The kit comes with emery board and toothpicks that gently abrade the skin in case the tags are embedded. Use these items to gently raise the tags/moles.
- Many people have benefitted from the SkinSave healing balm too; it prevents scarring and skin darkening.
- This is also the quickest skin tag removal product available in the market that really works; you can get rid of tags and moles in just 24 hours.
- Skinprov works on small and large, old and new, flat and raised skin tags and moles.
- The company also has a 1800-number which you can call in case of specific questions.
- You cannot and must not use SkinProv on moles and tags on the eyelids, pubic area, or near the mouth. In general, do not use the product on skin tags or moles located within 1 inch of any mucous membranes.
- For some users, the product did not work at all.
- Scarring was pretty bad in some users.
All in all, based on thousands of positive reviews, the SkinProv system does work and many users have benefitted from it.
I hope you find the SkinProv Tag and Mole Remover Cream and the Micro Tag Band Skin Tag Remover system useful like thousands of people have. Just remember that patience might be required to get the results you want. Do not forget that perseverance will eventually pay off. Good luck!
Also, these procedures are classified as “cosmetic” and most insurance companies do not cover this. However, if you can prove that the reason for removing skin tags is due to medical necessity or suspicious growths, then insurance companies can cover the costs.
Skin tags are generally safe, painless and not contagious. As a matter of fact, the only problem it will cause is your appearance. In some cases, skin tags will fall off on its own while for the others, it may require intervention.
Whatever it is, it is important to properly identify these bumps and make sure they are skin tags. While skin tags are safe, there are still instances, although extremely rare, where it can be a sign of something serious. Hence, a trip to the dermatologist won’t hurt.
So the next time you noticed a fresh-colored bump, don’t hesitate to consult. It’s better to make sure that those are really skin tags than regret in the end for not having it checked.
Great Post! You are sharing a wonderful post. Thanks and keep sharing.
Great info, looking forward to read more articles like this one!