If you wanted to know where to buy raw honey or where to buy Manuka honey and how to choose the best Manuka, jarrah or other types of raw honey at the best price, we've made it easy for you in this article.
It's not easy to find the best honey in the world; there are so many types, brands and they are often classified using variuos MGO, UMF or KFactor ratings. Do you know what they mean?
Honey can also be described as "active" or "medicinal", so how do you choose the type and brand that is the most suitable for your needs? Read on to find out.
Honey has been consumed around the world for millennia. The benefits of honey have been known for 4,000 years after the Egyptians started to apply it topically on wounds. Honey was also used as a traditional Ayurvedic medicine, where it was thought to be effective at treating various imbalances in the body.
With the discovery of antibiotics in the early 1940s, honey fell out of favour with the medical profession. Today, however, due to the rise of antibiotic-resistant strains of bacteria and widespread interest in natural health solutions, it prompted the scientists to look for new, alternative treatments that will treat infections that are very difficult to treat.
Honey is a real food that is a result of a long evolutionary process and is still present and available in its natural form. It is produced in a bee hive through a hard labour of thousands of bees which work as a team and convert nectar to honey through a repeated process of consumption, digestion and regurgitation.
Apart from sugars (about 38% of total sugars in honey is fructose) it also contains vitamins and minerals including B2, B3, B5, B6, C, magnesium, potassium and calcium as well as amino acids.
The ultimate composition and nutritional value of honey depend on what flowers the bees were feeding on and consequently which phytonutrients were also collected.
How Many Calories is in (Manuka) Honey?
Some people consider honey unhealthy and think that it is just a sweet, full of sugar liquid. Although it is true that honey contains mainly fructose and glucose and some other sugars that include maltose and sucrose (82 grams is sugar in 100 grams of honey), there is much more to honey than describing it as a "fructose bomb".
One teaspoon of honey has 22 calories versus 16 calories in one teaspoon of table sugar. While the amount of calories in honey is more, we actually use less of it since it is sweeter than table sugar.
Manuka honey is only slightly lower in calories with 20 calories in a teaspoon.
Despite the higher sugar content, for many people, honey is still a preferred healthier choice because of its vitamins and minerals that can bring health benefits.
Is There a Difference Between Regular Honey and Raw Honey?
If you like honey and would like to take advantage of its various health benefits, you probably wonder if you should buy a more expensive raw honey or regular store-brand in a plastic bear.
The cheap normal store brands are pretty much useless though, as they have most of the beneficial ingredient stripped when the honey is processed (filtered, pasteurised and diluted).
What Is the Difference Between Raw Honey and Pure Honey?
Beware of honey that is described as "pure or golden honey" as although it refers to the fact that there should be nothing else but honey in the product, the honey is generally not raw.
Raw honey is organic honey and it has not been heated past 95 degrees Fahrenheit (35 degrees Celsius) and is not fine filtered to remove the pollen and other beneficial substances that are in honey. Not heating ensures that the beneficial enzymes in the honey are not destroyed.
Honey is often heated to make it easier to filter. Fine filtering can also make the honey last longer without crystallizing.
Food Safety News conducted an investigation and found that 76% of the honey sold in grocery stores is treated with “ultra-filtration”, a process that unfortunately removes pollen. Pollen is known to carry enzymes, antioxidants and has well documented anti-allergenic benefits.
See the difference between regular honey and raw honey in the table below.
no sugar added | corn, beet or cane sugar added |
not heated | heated |
contains bee pollen | contains NO bee pollen (filtered) |
crystal layers form naturally | hard mass forms over time |
healthy, full of nutrients | not healthy, very low in nutrients |
aromatic & delicious | bland-tasting |
Did you know that 100% of Winnie the Pooh in Walmart stores as well as honey from most drugstores like Walgreen’s and CVS Pharmacy had the pollen removed?
Raw, organic or Manuka honey is much richer in essential vitamins as well as flavonoids that are antioxidants known for giving us many health benefits.
What Is Manuka Honey?
Manuka honey is a type of honey produced in New Zealand and Australia from the nectar of the Manuka (Leptospermum scoparium or Leptospermum polygalifolium) tree. The honey is commonly sold as an alternative or complementary medicine and it is thought to have many health benefits over and above regular raw honey.
Manuka honey has a distinct flavour. It is typically dark cream to dark brown and is markedly thixotropic. This property is due to the presence of a protein or colloid. To be labelled New Zealand Manuka honey, at least 70% of its pollen content should come from Leptospermum scoparium.
Most honeys contain a naturally occurring active agent, which is thought to support good health but it is easily destroyed by heat and light. Manuka honey contains an extra, naturally occurring special component, which makes it distinct from other types of honey.
This additional component is stable and doesn't lose its potency when exposed to heat, light or dilution. Its special quality is known as UMF and the higher the UMF, the more potent the honey.
Manuka honey in particular has amazing antibacterial properties for wound healing and related to substantial non-peroxide antibacterial activity of a compound called methylglyoxal (MGO) present in Manuka honey in high amounts.
In vitro tudies indicate that methylglyoxal is an effective antimicrobial agent against forms of MRSA.
Is Australian Jarrah Honey Beneficial?
If you live in Australia you should try jarrah honey. Aside from adding flavour to your ordinary water, it is also effective in treating wounds, sore throats, bee stings and even bad breath. It has low glycemic index too, which means it is safe in case you have diabetes.
The Australian jarrah honey is a uniquely Australian equivalent to Manuka honey and has similar health-enhancing, antibacterial and antimicrobial properties. It is sourced from a Eucalypt tree (Eucalyptus marginata), commonly grown in Western Australia and is deliciously dark and thick.
Jarrah honey can be used to treat wounds, burns and skin infections as well. It has been scientifically researched and proven to have a high percentage of activity level, making it an excellent choice for dressing golden staphylococcus infections, E.coli and Candida, and ulcerated wounds.
Manuka Honey UMF - How to Select the Best Brand
In order to assess the strength of Manuka honey, you may have noticed different labels on the honey containers - UMF, MGO and Active. These different rating systems are a bit confusing so the following is a short explanation that will help you to know how you can select the best honey for your needs and what these ratings mean.
Both UMF and MGO ratings are used to indicate the antibacterial strength of Manuka Honey. UMF Manuka Honey is the industry standard. MGO is only used by Manuka Health New Zealand Ltd.
Manuka honey UMF is more established and widely used. It stands for "Unique Manuka Factor". It is an internationally registered trademark that can be used only by licensed users who meet set criteria which include auditing and monitoring to ensure the product is natural and unadulterated Manuka honey that has the unique non-peroxide antibacterial activity and is true-to-label claim.
UMF tells you what the full non-peroxide antibacterial rating of the Manuka honey is. Since Manuka honey’s antibacterial nature comes from many factors, the UMF rating takes them all into account (including the MGO factor) and gives you a final rating.
MGO rating relates to its active ingredient "Methylglyoxal" content . Aim for high MGO number (250+) to ensure you get the higher level of anti-bacterial activity in the honey.
Aim for Manuka honey with levels of activity not less than UMF 10+ or MGO 250+ to ensure you get honey with the maximum benefits.
Some brands of Manuka or jarrah honey are sold as "active" honey and may have a KFactor or "total activity" rating usually ranging from 5+ to 18+. These honeys are not as "medicinal" as the high UMF - rated Manuka honey, but they are still healthy and, since they are cheaper, can be used daily in your drinks and foods.
Manuka is a more expensive product, mainly because it is a mono-floral (made by bees that interact with just one species of flower) and derived from blooms which flower for just 2-6 weeks a year. I have a jar of MGO 400+ Manuka honey for special purposes and use MGO 250-400+ Manuka, jarrah or active honey for everyday use.
I never buy supermarket honey, even if it says "natural" or "pure" as it is always processed and has miniscule nutritional value.
Where to Buy Raw Manuka Honey - Best Manuka Honey Brands
The best raw honey brand to buy is one you can get locally if you know a reputable supplier. The other option is to buy on Amazon as they have some high quality brands available, that have had amazing feedback from hundreds of satisfied consumers. There are some top brands of Manuka honey UMF 10+, 15+, 20+ and many others available on Amazon.
Comvita Manuka honey and Wedderspoon Manuka honey are the most popular brands.
You can buy top quality medicinal Manukora Manuka Honey UMF 20+ (MGO 825+) or Comvita Manuka UMF 15+ honey and if you want something more economical for everyday use you can't go wrong with delicious Wedderspoon 100% Raw Manuka Active.
All three – Manukora Manuka Honey UMF 20+, Wedderspoon Manuka honey UMF 16+ and Comvita Manuka Honey UMF 20+ (or 15+) have excellent reviews and ratings and are UMF certified.
Another fantastic raw organic honey is YS Organic Bee Farms Certified Organic Raw Honey 100% Unprocessed, Unpasteurized – Kosher 32oz 2 Lbs This honey is not Manuka honey but it is raw, unprocessed and very inexpensive. It has been rated “5 stars” by over 1000 happy customers. YS Organic Bee Farms Certified Organic Raw Honey is an excellent choice for everyday use in your kitchen.
Below are some most popular quality raw honey brands that
are high rated by the users.
[easyazon_table attributes=”Brand,Size,ListPrice” identifiers=”B017TRQYJM,B000TIQGZG,B00AAVK4KA,B01DTAIXAG,B00NVMIQE6″ locale=”US” orientation=”at” tag=”leanhealthy-20″ text=”Manukora Manuka Honey UMF 20+ (MGO 825+)|Comvita Manuka Honey UMF 15+ 250 gr/8.8 oz|Manuka Doctor Bio Active Honey, 24 Plus, 8.75 Ounce|100% Raw Manuka Honey Active 16+ 8.8 oz Jar|YS Organic Bee Farms Certified Organic Raw Honey 100% Unprocessed, Unpasteurized – Kosher 32oz 2 Lbs”]
How Is Manuka Health Medical Grade Honey Produced?
Check out What Comvita Users Have to Say!
Where to Buy Raw or Jarrah Honey in Australia and New Zealand
If you live in Australia or New Zealand, the best inexpensive Manuka and jarrah honey are from from Barnes Naturals™. The honeys are independently tested and verified for activity by an independent laboratory, according to world standard testing methods. You can order it here.
If you are after the top of the range, high MGO honey or want to save by buying highest quality honey in a larger containers, I recommend Manuka Health Honey - authentic Manuka honey from New Zealand. You can choose different strengths ranging from MGO 30+ to MGO 550+ and sizes from 250 gm to 1 kg. Order here to have it conveniently shipped in Australia or New Zealand.
Now you know how to find the best honey online. So what are the health benefits of Manuka honey and other high quality raw varieties?
Manuka Honey Benefits and Uses
Manuka Honey as a Treatment for Wounds, Burns and Acne
I'm sure you remember when you were younger and hurt yourself, your mum was always there ready to treat your wounds with soap, water, a dash of Betadine and a Band-Aid.
Did you know that honey is an excellent treatment for wounds and burns as well? Believe it or not, honey is a natural antibiotic, which means it could be used not only as food but also externally. Honey helps to disinfect wounds, sores and burns and promotes healing.
A 2011 review of scientific data published in Journal of Medicinal Food concluded that natural honey was effective in eradicating human pathogens and discusses the mechanism of actions.
Chronic leg ulcers are a common medical problem among elderly patients and have a huge impact on quality of life as a result of pain and disability. They are very difficult to treat and often require months of antibiotic treatment and sometimes patients end up in amputations.
In 2014 another review of scientific trials (International Journal of Nursing Sciences confirmed that honey dressing was superior of traditional dressings for treatment of diabetic foot ulcers.
Honey's high sugar content and low moisture make it a naturally antimicrobial dressing for deeply ulcerated wounds. It also contains gluconic acid and small amounts of hydrogen peroxide which kills bacteria and reduces inflammation. Manuka honey can be also very effective as acne treatment.
In the case of Manuka honey, the active antibacterial agent is formed through a nonenzymatic conversion of dihydroxyacetone (DHA) present at exceptionally high concentrations in the nectar of Leptospermum scoparium (manuka) flowers.
Honey as Allergy Minimiser
Aside from its antibiotic properties, did you know that honey has anti-inflammatory capabilities too?
There are no definitive clinical studies proving that honey could reduce allergies, however experts believe that honey acts like a natural vaccine. This is because honey contains small amounts of pollen that could trigger an immune response. This response produces antibodies to the pollen.
Once your body gets used to this type of exposure, it is able to produce antibodies, which protects you against triggers and environmental allergens.
Honey as a Sleeping Aid
Are you suffering from sleepless nights? If taking a warm bath and listening to a soothing music don’t help, then maybe you need a raw honey on your bedside.
Just like sugar but healthier, honey raises your insulin and helps release serotonin, a neurotransmitter that improves one’s mood and happiness. Then, your body converts serotonin into melatonin, a chemical compound that helps you visit dreamland.
That’s not all. Honey has various amino acids including tryptophan. Once tryptophan enters into your brain through honey intake, your body converts it into serotonin then melatonin. This helps you regulate your wake and sleep cycle too.
Honey as a Memory Booster
Fact: your memory processor slows down as you age – and it’s the same for all two or so billion people around the world. The good news is you may not need to take memory boosting pills to preserve your memory. Honey can be hlpful.
According to a 2011 study published in Menopause, a spoonful of Malaysian honey boosts women’s memory during the postmenopausal stage. After taking 20 grams of honey daily for four months, women were able to improve their short-term memory compared to those who took hormone pills. This means there is a safer and perhaps equally effective alternative to save your memory.
Honey Is a Healthy Sweetener that Lowers Cholesterol
In a series of experiments involving healthy people and those with either high cholesterol or type 2 diabetes, honey has proved itself the healthiest sweetener.
A 2004 study determined that natural honey is really good for you. It showed that in healthy subjects, while sugar and artificial honey had either negative or very small beneficial effects, natural honey reduced total cholesterol 7%, triglycerides 2%, C-reactive protein 7%, homocysteine 6% (just like C-reactive protein, homocysteine is a significant risk factor for cardiovascular disease) and blood sugar 6%, and increased HDL (good) cholesterol 2%.
In patients with high cholesterol, artificial honey increased LDL (bad) cholesterol, while natural honey decreased total cholesterol 8%, LDL cholesterol 11%, and C-reactive protein 75%.
Honey as a Treatment for Dandruff and Other Scalp-Related Problems
Does it always feel like winter in your head even if it’s hot and sunny outside? If you are afraid of wearing black or anything dark-coloured to avoid snowflakes on your shirt, then anti-dandruff shampoo is not the best solution for you. Honey is.
The European Journal of Medical Research published a study that found that diluting honey in warm water and applying it on problem areas reduces itch and scaling up there. At the same time, it helps treat seborrheic dermatitis and dandruff.
You have to thank honey’s antibacterial and antifungal properties for this as well as its anti-inflammatory properties that reduces itching and redness in the scalp.
A piece of advice: make sure to apply the diluted honey on your scalp for three hours before rinsing it with warm water. This will provide you relief against itching and scaling within one week. To get rid of dandruff and other scalp conditions completely, apply the honey-water solution on your scalp once a week for six months.
Honey as an All-Natural Energy Drink
Aside from good diet, exercise or any regular physical activity is required to keep you healthy, did you know that honey could give your body a quick boost before workout?
With 17 grams of carbohydrates per tablespoon and natural unprocessed sugar such as fructose and glucose, these ingredients enter into your bloodstream and give your body a quick boost of energy. The increase in blood sugar gives your body a source of energy during your workout.
Even the National Honey Board recommends adding honey to your water bottle during your workout as it will help a lot in maintaining your desired energy levels.
However, honey is more than just your new workout buddy. Drinking honey and water first thing in the morning gives you a real boost. This combination also works when you are feeling sluggish in the afternoon. This means you can skip coffee, sweets and anything unhealthy to keep you up and running.
Honey as a Soothing Relief for Coughs
Cough and colds are hard to get away from especially when the season changes. Hence, expect a season of flu every now and then especially when your body is under stress and your immune system is compromised.
If you’re down with cough and colds, taking a trip to the drugstore isn’t the best way to go. In fact, if you are eating healthy and taking quality supplements all you might need is some raw honey to tip the scale to a new healthy you.
A study published in the Journal Pediatrics reported that children aged one to five coughed less frequently after drinking two teaspoons of honey at least 30 minutes before going to bed. This is because honey’s thick consistency coats the throat and its sweet taste triggers nerve endings that protect your throat against constant coughing.
More importantly, honey is as effective as dextromethorphan, a common cough suppressant ingredient. This means you can also use honey as a natural alternative for upper respiratory tract infections.
Honey as Your Best Friend in Weight Loss
Many people will think that honey could make you fat because of its sugar content. Well, not exactly. Honey contains natural sugar, which means, in moderation this is good for your body so you don’t have to feel guilty. If you are looking for ways to help you lose weight, then here is an effective suggestion for you: take a tablespoon of raw honey every day.
According to the National Honey Board, a tablespoon contains only 64 calories and is fat-free, sodium-free and cholesterol-free. That doesn’t stop there. Since it is natural sugar, this could help ward off cravings for anything sweet and unhealthy. Once you are able to train your body to choose honey water instead of soda pop, your (unhealthy) calorie intake drops, which means a drop in the pounds too.
Small amounts of honey are great if you are trying to lose weight because it is low glycemic (low GI). Foods with a high glycemic index rating (above 70) make your blood sugar increase quickly. If a food has a moderate score, between 55 and 69, it will still raise your blood sugar, but much less as food with a higher ranking.
Ideally, all the foods in your diet should be low GI, with a rating under 55 as these types of foods keep your blood sugar stable. Quality raw (pure) honey can score around 35 to 45 on the glycemic index, so it is an ideal ingredient of any weight loss regimen.
Honey as an Immune System Booster
There is a reason why honey can do all of these benefits. It is anti-bacterial, anti-fungal and anti-inflammatory. In other words, it helps your immune system whenever bacteria and other harmful elements try to invade your body. The raw organic honey, in particular, is full of enzymes, vitamins and minerals, which could be your front line defense.
If you are not a fan of Manuka honey, then here’s another reason why you should like it. According to a study presented in the Society for General Microbiology’s Spring Conference in Harrogate in the United Kingdom, Manuka honey reverses your body’s bacterial resistance to antibiotics.
That’s not all. Honey also has antioxidant properties. This means honey is capable of fighting bad free radicals taking over your body and ruining not just your skin but also your overall health.
Honey as Your "Health Pill"
Honey is definitely what you need to help to keep your body healthy. It contains essential vitamins and nutrients your body needs to be able to function properly.
Unrefined honey contains many antioxidants that can benefit your health. It is a known fact that antioxidants in the diet are associated with better health and lower risk of disease so having some raw honey every day is like taking a "health pill".
Two human studies revealed that consumption of buckwheat honey, another type of great honey to try, increases the antioxidant value of the blood. You can find more details here and here.
Honey has been around for centuries, providing medicinal and health benefits from ancient civilization until today. To enjoy all of these benefits, keep in mind that honey should be raw and unpasteurised, not the one you can see in supermarkets – unless the label says raw. This way, you are sure that it is low glycemic and the nutrients are maintained so you and your family can get maximum health benefits.
And Finally, Is Honey Safe for your Baby?
A commonly asked question when it comes to foods for babies and toddlers is about giving them honey. Remember - honey should never be given to a child under the age of 12 months old.
The American Academy of Pediatrics advises that honey should not be added to food, water, or formula that is fed to infants younger than 12 months of age. The AAP statement says "Raw or unpasteurized honey (Infants younger than 12 months should avoid all sources of honey)". AAP Pediatric Nutrition Handbook
Please note that if you have an allergy to bee sting, honey should be definitely avoided.
A friend has introduced me to Manuka honey, Waimete 30+ i find it light smooth easy to digest taste is excellent.